Historical multihulls

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Gary Baigent, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Was called Eggnog and a modern looking design - but although fast offwind was not good to windward. Half decade later built Eggnog 2 - which was more efficient. Tchetchet was an immigrant to the US.
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Victor Tchetchet's 20' Trimaran, magazine article plans from the 1930s preview, need to sign up for unlimited downloads, of which it says it's free for one month.

    AYRS - Amateur Yacht Research Society (A.Y.R.S.) Publication № 10 - December 1957 (PDF of 32 pages)

    There's | 8 × ‘‘Tchetchet’’ | 12 × ‘‘Trimaran’’ | 1 × ‘‘T26’’ | 1 × ‘‘T 26’’ | 1 × ‘‘T-26’’ | 5 × ‘‘Egg Nog’’ | 4 × ‘‘Flamingo’’ | 2 × (Bud) ‘‘Dealy’’ | mentioned in this AYRS publication, which gives a lot of info when the document is searched for these keywords, didn't read it fully yet, so there might be more.

    From a first quick glance through it: Victor Tchetchet's 26' T26 ± 1940s, 26' Egg Nog ± 1950s (?), both Tchetchet trimarans being built and raced in the US, among others in the 1957 Bayside Yacht Club regatta against Bud Dealy's in the summer of 1957 launched 26' trimaran Flamingo.

    Didn't see Egg Nog II there, so maybe that one was designed and built a bit later.

    Victor* moved from Kiev in the Ukraine to New York in the US in the early 1920s, maybe eggnog (possibly with rum ?) was one of his favorite drinks, which might have made him name some of his designs after it . . :)

    P.S. - * can't reach the there given ‘‘Multihull Maven’’ source.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    The above AYRS № 10 publication from December 1957 has Bud Dealy's 26' trimaran Flamingo from the bottom of page 16 till about halfway page 19, there's also a lot of pics plus specs and drawings in there.

    ‘‘ . . . . Bud Dealy's new trimaran Flamingo was launched this summer in time for the Bayside Yacht Club regatta and proved to be much faster than Egg Nog on all points of sailing. Flamingo is 26 feet overall and of the same configuration as Egg Nog. . . . . ’’

    as an aside, Bayside Yacht Club New York, 1917 vintage postcard
    continued (L.I. = Long Island)
    ‘‘ . . . The Bayside Yacht Club was eventually sold to the Grace Presbyterian Korean Church in 1994 for 1.45 million dollars. ’’

    about the Bayside Historical Society 1915 aeriallarge
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  4. Doug Halsey
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    Doug Halsey Senior Member

    I guess we can conclude that they had "fake news," even back in 1959. However, the claim started with "believed to be..." and perhaps someone actually did believe it:)
  5. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Are you implying that Bob Harris was a bullshitter, Doug? Here's the Tchetchet tri from his book.

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  6. Doug Halsey
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    Doug Halsey Senior Member

    Not at all, Gary. I was admitting that the article I included in my post was wrong.
  7. PeterLighthouse
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    PeterLighthouse New Member

    Thought it worth up loading a couple of photo's of Cliffhanger's construction and launch day in 1979.

    Main hull.jpg
    fitting whinches.jpg
    launch day.jpg
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  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    A cool boat that has lasted years longer than I'm sure it was ever intended too :) (I was referring to the very light Devils3 not Cliffhanger btw).
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  9. trip the light fandango
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    trip the light fandango Senior Member

    I wonder if that mum is thinking" he can build a boat but he can't paint the bloody fascia", like I suspect my better half may do, what a great boat, a piece of practical art really.
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  10. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Good photograph of Charles Heidsieck, foil trimaran from the 1980s.

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  11. Dolfiman
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  12. PeterLighthouse
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    PeterLighthouse New Member

    ha ha
    I was born into a family that put boats ahead of houses, that's not to say the house didn't get its turn, just not before the boat.
    The lady in the photo went on to finance another 40ft Lex Nicol design at the time with her husband and named it Ben Bolt
  13. Doug Halsey
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    Doug Halsey Senior Member

    I built most of this foiler in my apartment in 1973, but I was between wives at the time.
  14. Doug Halsey
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    Doug Halsey Senior Member

    I've come across two more photos of the trimaran discussed in post #1334 (near the bottom of p. 89 above). These were both slides taken by my father at the 1959 Memorial Day Regatta in Gulfport, Florida (the same day I took the photo in the earlier post). The slides were taken with color film, but were so badly discolored that I converted them to B&W.

    Although the boat was only a few months old, by the date of that regatta, it had been sold to an FD sailor named Frank Hearn, and I believe was rigged with FD sails.
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  15. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Early days on Supplejack, a modified and radical for the times Tennant designed 32 x 18 foot open wing deck Bamboo Bomber, 1977. In this race to Bay of Islands Noel (foiler) Fuller (in cockpit) brought along an obscenely heavy steel tool box; (he was adamant that all would be required because of expected breakages) to place in the lightweight catamaran design, hence Gavin Dagley helming is grimacing because the dolphin striker, touching at the bottom of the swells, is often throwing spray into his face. There was a mutiny on board later and Noel and unwanted gear was dropped off at Tutukaka. Even with this stop, we still won the race ... and later cleaned up during the following week of Bay regattas. Of course such behaviour would never occur today?

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