Historical multihulls

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Gary Baigent, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. buzzman
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    buzzman Senior Member

    Another issue for potential multi sailors in the smaller LWL sizes is, who do you sail with on weekends (as opposed to simply racing...)

    While there are clubs for Trailer Sailers, most of them are monos to 24ft, and most of them are older boats now, few new boats being sold due to economic uncertainty etc...

    I hop on the TSP forum occasionally and AFAIK there is only one or maybe two guys there with multis.

    But I agree with Corley - if there is an opportunity to get new sailors into multis, it's the trailable ones that can kick it, which makes it even more regrettable that Ian has stopped selling plans for his boats.

    I know, I know, the guy has to make a living, and supporting home builders is not viable economically,hence why he has stopped doing so, but even so, not everyone can afford $30-50K for a new tri, especially when a mono with the same utility (small cabin, room for 4 to sleep etc) can be had for anywhere between $4K and $25.

    For that reason, I'd suggest something like Ray Kendrick's Scarabs, which are available as DIY plan sets - quite inexpensively - are just as likely to encourage home builders.

    Or for the less experienced builder looking for something super simple, especially in ply, Richard Woods' Strikes are an option.

    I suspect there is a lot more to it than simply the cost of the boats, mooring fees and the *antagonism* of mono sailors.....there is also the lack of leisure time and other demands that weren't as marked 30 years ago.

    I remember as an apprentice being able to go surfing after work in the seventies. Most workers these days are lucky to get off work at 5.00pm, which apart from high summer and Daylight Saving Time, doesn't leave much time for boatbuilding or even sailing for that matter.

    Again, it's horses for courses, and most people, I believe, with all the family pressures around these days - like kids sports and so on - just don't have the available time that we old farts had/have to indulge in what is after all an expensive hobby/pastime.

    I don't know of any schools that offer sailing as a 'school sport', so apart from a few places where local clubs have put in huge efforts to get junior classes up and running, there isn't much real encouragement for younger people to get into sailing, never mind into multihulls.

    And the junior classes, like Optimists and so forth, do tend to be all monos.

    Do any of the Kiwis know of clubs that have junior races for Wetas maybe?

    Another thing I've noticed, culturally speaking, is that most smaller 'sailing clubs' (as opposed to larger big budget yacht clubs) tend to have pretty basic and minimalist websites, so nothing much there to encourage the 'web gen' to get involved....

    ....sorry, we're getting seriously off topic.....maybe we should start a new thread elsewhere to discus this issue.....

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2013
  2. Moggy
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    Moggy Senior Member

    Hysterical Multihulls ? :D
  3. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Or "Future Technology here Today"
  4. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Three shots when I went sailing on ORMA 18 metre Steinlager, 1988.

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  5. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    That is historical, before iPhones, Al Gore creating the Internet, and almost before the printing press.

    WHEW! Last century!
  6. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

  7. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

  8. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

  9. nanouk
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    nanouk New Member

    If you are interrested by the Route du Rhum.
    If you are interested by multihulls.
    If you are interested by the Golden Oldies.
    Then our challenge “Ensemble sur la Route” should interest you.

    5 skippers/owners of Golden Oldies trimarans have joined forces to be at the start of the next Route du Rhum to bring to light the Golden Oldies Multihulls association’s efforts to defend and protect the offshore racing multihulls of the first modern era generations.

    For the first time, a team of 5 boats has been created to enter this worldwide famous singlehanded transatlantic race which will start again, for its 10th edition, from the French city of Saint Malo on November 2nd 2014.
    Moxie, Gordano Goose, Fine Mouche (alias Fleury Michon IV), Pir² known as Lessive St Marc and Regain ex Filtrasol, have joined forces into “Ensemble sur la Route”, which could be translated into “Together at the Route du Rhum”.

    As always for such events, sponsors are needed, technical ones as well as financial ones, do join our challenge on Facebook ! Thank you.

    The project's teaser is available on our Youtube channel at the following address.

    “Ensemble sur la Route” can be followed on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter at :
    Twitter : @ESLR2014
  10. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    An Australian historical multihull the classic Crowther "Bagatelle" is repaired and ready for relaunching. Photo thanks to Darren Drew

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  11. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Where and when Owen.

    Do you the size and has the boat got a website.


  12. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I've heard Geoff Cruse was responsible for the rebuild. Spindrift 45 design I think (Oldsailor would know more on this boat as he was involved in the build). The bridgedeck saloon was rebuilt by Shawn Arber to give a more modern and spacious effect prior to the accident where one hull was wrecked.

    As far as I know there isn't any website dedicated to the boat, Lindsay Cuming gave an excellent speech last year at an MYCV night on cruising multihulls. Sadly a lot of Val's journals on cruising Australia were lost in the accident quite a treasure trove gone. I really hope that Val and Lindsay might write a book on their multihull adventures racing and cruising now they are retired from sailing.
  13. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Yes It's a spindrift crowther. Thanks.

    Unusual Stanchions arrangement. Not along the deck past the dagger board case but along the hull deck cabins area.
    No protection or safety if using dagger boards. Perhaps he does not use dagger boards with that configuration.

    Sheeting a large head sail would be a problem with the sheeting tracks. That design needs large head sails to move it under 12 knots wind speed with the stanchions in those positions. Then again I suppose they would motor sail a lot.

    Are you sure his surname is curse. If so perhaps he and she should not try sailing it.

    Like the sea Gods !!!...

  14. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    Quote:- "I've heard Geoff Cruse was responsible for the rebuild. I think Oldsailor would know more on this boat as he was involved in the build" Quote:

    Yes, I was the Construction Consultant on Bagatelle.
    Harold Tate was in charge of the construction crew.
    Bagatelle was not a Spindrift, but a completely new 42ft design and was in fact the forerunner of Locks later Catana designs. She was also one of the first of Locks big foam sandwich builds, using Klegicell/Fibreglass and Polyester resin construction.
    She was also one of the first of Locks designs with bow bulbs, and a stern "Bustle" to improve it's handicap rating. She was very fast and subsequently cleaned up in East coast racing. It's wonderful to see her restored to life again.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2013

  15. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    OC the tracks will be fine on this boat. Shaun and Geoff are excellent builders/designers. The genoa track will be on a line about 12 degrees of the centreline and then lead to the winches. The stanchions are on the top of the deck. As OS says this design is a foreunner of the Catana and you can see these sloped in cabinsides on the Catana too.

    As for needing a motor - not really. Bags was a fab sailer and she was very fast as a racer. Shaun's cabin would probably not have added any weight and his other designs, like Shazaam and Windcheater, have similar cabins and sail very nicely.

    Good to see her back on the water, she will sail like a witch again with a good crew.


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