HIN numbers

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Minusadegree, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    Have a sailboat that washed up on the shore here thanks to Sandy. Tis a racing boat but unsure of it's make, the number is Hya370021076-114
    Any ideas of what this thing is?
  2. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    I would think it is a Heritage 37 (HYA37), Hull #2 (002), built October 1976 (1076). I'm not sure what the -114 means.

    IIRC the 37 was a Charlie Morgan design.
  3. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Paul has got it right HYA is Heritage Yacht Company's Manufacturer ID code. The 114 is something the company added. Could be the 114th hull. Who knows. They are allowed to put something after the HIN if is separated by a space or a dash.

    Do not assume that you have salvage rights. The old saw about finders keepers is a myth. Every state has laws that govern this. You have to establish that it was abandoned before you can take possession. Heritage can tell you who the first purchaser was. If it has a state number, the state can tell you who the owner is. If it is documented by the USCG you should be able to find and Official Number carved in the inside of the Keel or some other prominent place inside the boat. Look it up here http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/st1/CoastGuard/VesselByID.html You can also search a documented vessel by name. http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/st1/CoastGuard/VesselByName.html
  4. PAR
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    He could declare salvage rights, which would give him an angle to leverage the title off the owner, though he'll have to prove he's done something, such as move or secure it.
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    State laws still apply. Check with your CT Boating Law Administrator. 860.434.8638 Eleanor Mariani eleanor.mariani@ct.gov
  6. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    Not looking to salvage it. Although, it might come down to it. Wouldn't mind, tis in nice condition still and like to race it with local club.
    The boat owner never paid for the mooring when he dropped the boat off 8 months ago and now it's washed up on the owners property...
    CT salvage law is both complicated and simple. Land owner temporarily owns the boat, notify CG, call DEP, file paperwork, mail out notices to owner and local paper (twice), finish paperwork and 90 days later with no answer.... Well, you get the idea. Probably very similar across the board. Been down this road before... Tiring.
    Nobody here is worried about the boat. We'll get it off the beach and back on the mooring, but it is surprising how many people come by it trying to pillage stuff from it.
    I was was concerned about what it was and the value as value may indicate the owner may have insurance which as a company would dictate how we proceed without the owner.
    No registration on or in the boat, heck we don't know if he gave us the right name and etc...
    Just isn't a sailboat you see around here. Curiosity ya know? I'll take some pics tomorrow and post.

    Thanks for the info so far :)
  7. Ike
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  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I believe this is all under the "hazard to navigation" guidelines, so and understandable response. I think the USCG is attempting to relieve NY from some of it's "burden" in this regard.
  9. Ike
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  10. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    Interesting reading.

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  11. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    Damn.... Alrighty then.
  12. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    There it is.....

    Any idea what it's worth?

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  13. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Minus, there is an owner of record somewhere. The last person to actually register the boat. Perhaps not the last person to have possession, but the last person to have records filed with the DMV. Find this person and inform him that he is still liable for the boat and its removal/disposal. However, if he wants it to all go away, he can appoint an agent, give them power of attorney and instructions to dispose of the boat immediately w/o regard to price as is/where is. Anybody but youself can act as agent. Then the agent sells the boat to you for $1. It takes about two hours to complete. If there is another sale that was never recorded, it behooves you to inquire about it.
  14. PAR
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    The "Keep Out" sign is more than enough to warrant protection if someone attempts to salvage or other wise "play" with the boat, assuming the photo is of the boat in question. It's the same thing as having a "No Trespassing" sign on the property you catch a vandal or would be thief. In other words, it's not ambiguous in it's intent, which is all the law requires, under the situation many in the Sandy swept areas are.

  15. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    The pic is of the boat in question...
    I was curious as to who made the boat due to its oddity. I'm also curious as to how much it's worth because I can't believe the owner hasn't made any inquiries to it.
    I was the one who put the sign on it.

    Anywho. On the beach of my employers property it sits.
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