Hickman Sea Sled Information

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by DogCavalry, Feb 12, 2021.

  1. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

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  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Well now. That's a familiar hull form.
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Look closely.

    I love the motorcycle handlebars.
    What a blast that would be to drive!
  4. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Indeed it would!
  5. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    @Tad found a great article in Professional Boatbuilder #180. I can't upload it here: it's too big. August/September 2019
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
  6. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

  7. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    No, it's a survey of all the formal analysis done over the last 70 years.
  8. Boat Design Net Moderator
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  9. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    This one.
  10. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    As I post this reply, this full issue is available in their online backissues archive.
    Link above should go to the right issue now.
    (I edited my post above; the link title did something odd at first so I had to correct it.)
    bajansailor, DogCavalry and BlueBell like this.
  11. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Most excellent, thank you.
  12. Dave G 9N
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    Dave G 9N Senior Member


    Index sites to issues 1-184 Same content, different url.

    The ugliest version of a sea sled like boat that I have ever seen is the Swift Swoose. It looks like it should have a similar rammed air ground effect cushion, but has to be one of the worst looking floaty things ever designed. 45 mph with 25 hp is claimed.

    About 50 years ago at the Mystic Small Craft Workshop, I asked Phil Bolger what he thought about sea sleds, thinking that surely he would like something as out of the box as this. He told me on no uncertain terms that the Hickman sea sled was a useless design. It is nothing but a v-bottomed garvey that has been cut in half and assembled the wrong way around. It would be easier to build and work better if it was assembled correctly. I chose not to argue, as he had no interest in any further discussion. I though it an odd response from the (future) author of "Boats With an Open Mind".
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  13. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    "As a drawback, it was also noted that the inside of the tunnel could trap floating logs and debris, carrying them into the propellers instead of out to the sides like on the other boats."
    Well, that's certainly relevant around here!
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  14. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Yeah. I bought Bolger's books back in '91. He was okay, within limitations, but hardly honest. The rigged US Navy sea trials where the last knife went into Hickman's back, Bolger was a competitor, and crew on a different boat. Bolger published a design for a sea sled, in the 60's I guess. I wouldn't use it to clean up after my dog.

  15. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    All the more reason to use twins. Although in practice that hasn't happened. Yet. I'm still careful not to run over anything.
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