Hi all (reflectors and cleaning a zodiac)

Discussion in 'Materials' started by power gain, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. power gain
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    power gain New Member

    I have recently purchased a 12ft zodiac I'd like to tidy it up a bit by putting new reflectors "stickers" on it and curious as to know what is the best product for cleaning it; I would also like to antifoulin & seal the underside of it and am unsure as what to use all help will be greatly appreciated

  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Dont know what you have. Ive got a white Nova Marine Rib. To clean it up I use 3m. Light duty WHITE scotchbright pads. These pads are not abrasive.


    For soap I use Hand cleaner...the creamy stuff you buy at an engine shop to clean. your hands...water soluable...gentle and it has a mild abrasive in it. Then...get to work. Small sections and a bit of arm work. A stiff bristle scrub brush is also handy. Water soluable rubbing compound that you might use on your car is handy for heavy stains. Dont use any chemicals or solvents.

    As far as adhering to the rib...clean, no contaminates...apply the SOLAS reflector tape...press it down...then take a hot gun and cook the adhesive tape onto the rib. Not much heat is needed...dont burn up your boat...just warm it up. The adhesive will stick much better.

    SOLAS tape doesnt flex well. Dont use long lenghts..better to use dashes or dots to form a line.

    Dont know anything about bottom paint.

    UV is the enemy of rubber boats. Dont leave it outside offseason
  3. power gain
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    power gain New Member

    thank you

    Cheers much appreciated
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