Hi All, I am new to this page and beginner in fishing

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by T.Ravikumar, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. T.Ravikumar
    Joined: Dec 2024
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    T.Ravikumar New Member

    I want to know what are all the specifications need to be provided to the FRP boat builder while designing my own design of mould. Is any specification required to provide other than OAL, Draft, Free board, depth, breadth of the required mould. Kindly educate me. Thanks in advance.
  2. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Provide the designer with a list of requirements that you need for your boat., commonly called an SOR. Among the requirements might be ability to operate in shallow water or the ability to endure severe storms. Those are one of the numerous requirements that conflict with one another. There are many other things that you may want, but cannot have, unless you surrender some of the other wants. The pro designer will guide you through those compromises.

    All that stuff is why you need to use a professional designer to plan the boat that best suits your needs. Unless you are an experienced professional Naval architect, do not design the hull or its topsides. You can tell the designer what you want for interior accommodations or features. He or she will design around that set of requirements and perhaps explain the compromises that you must accept. Only then can the width, depth, length, and general layout be appropriately selected.
    bajansailor likes this.
  3. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    Is this a commercial fishing boat, deep sea, lake, sport fishing, to carry paying passengers, over-night, intra-coastal, drag net, trolling, pot harvesting, single-hand or crewed? Start with a detailed description of your end goal and use. Details such as bunk space, galley and head requirements, as well as where the cabin, flying bridge, even superstructure configuration may affect the hull design.

  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @T.Ravikumar much of the features you ask about are a consequence of the boat's SOR (as discussed before). You must start, therefore, by writing a good SOR and no one can help you with that.
    If you want to delve into all that, more privately, pm me.
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You need to first decide if FRP is the proper material. The SOR will determine that.
  6. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    If you are just beginning, the first thing you need is experience! Maybe spend a few months or whenever time you can working on a fishing boat, that will give you lots of ideas on construction as well as if it is a good idea for you. For example, if you get seasick every time you go out and don't get used to it, it might not be a good fit, especially if you will be the captain. Then maybe rent a fishing boat that approximates what you want, practice and observe to see what you would change in your design. It helps if you have a talent for understanding intricate mechanical devices and an understanding of materials and Engineering relationships, if you want to work with a professional to design your own boat.

  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Well, going sailing or fishing may be important but not essential (don't get angry with me for this statement). But I would also advise him to study some of the principles of physics and some of the calculations necessary to understand and shape it. Knowing and mastering Archimedes' principle could be a good start.
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