Hey Guys... St. Louis guy from NJ

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by cturboaddict, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. cturboaddict
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Location: Ofallon, Illinois (near St. Louis)

    cturboaddict Junior Member

    Im new to the site and just wanted to say high. Im a full time CAD student along with working full time, and restore boats for fun. Ive been itching at getting started in a boat project and this semester seems to be the one. Also have a good friend who has been making his own for a while and we might have a business venture in the near future!:D

    Ill browse around and probably stick my nose in from here an there!
    Name is Jersey (at least thats what everyone calls me)..:D
  2. Poida
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Poida Senior Member

    Hi Cturboaddict welcome. It's nice to see you have a good friend.
    However going into business with them is a good way to stuff it up.

    Another more popular way to stuff up a friendship is to buy a boat together.

  3. cturboaddict
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    cturboaddict Junior Member

    Yeah, I hear ya on that one.
  4. Chase_B
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    Chase_B Junior Member

    Welcome Jersey, in Rolla Mo. Here but an east coaster ,born on Cape Cod , new to this site myself, bunch of great guys from what I see, and lo ts of info
  5. cturboaddict
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Location: Ofallon, Illinois (near St. Louis)

    cturboaddict Junior Member

    Yeah, surely alot of info. Ive been lost on the site for a few hours already.

    How you liking the Midwest? Ive been here for going on 6 years. Hope to get back to an ocean sometime. Or at least a much larger lake. Not like LOTO.

  6. Chase_B
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    Chase_B Junior Member

    I moved out here 6 years ago also ,..was living right on the coast in NC,.. I moved out here to be midway from each side of the family ,..wifes from Tehas,..I have family all up and down the east coast from NH Maine Mass to Virginia to NC to florida,.. the hunting out here is almost as good as it in in the north east,..the fishing ,..although fresh water is allot of fun,..and the flying is not as bumpy as on the east coast,..
    see your interested in design,..big competition there ,..best to design a good one and build it yourself for the market ,.then the only competition will be the limits that you set on yourself ,.not someone elses idea of what is right or wrong way to do something,.. you might have seen the little pontoon I designed and built posted on this site ,..with built in trailer,..proof that I don't like walking in someone elses foot steps :)

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