Here are some pictures from the recent Marseille Boat Show " Les Nauticales" - La Cio

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by MrHysucat, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. MrHysucat
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    MrHysucat Hysucat Evangelist

    Here are some pictures from the recent Marseille Boat Show " Les Nauticales" - La Ciotat.

    In the pictures the 8.5m Hysucat Elan is in the capable hands of Paul Lemmer. Offshore and endurance racing legend / multiple Around Britain Race wins etc.

    Also on board is Antoine Albeau Wind Surf World Champion and World Record Holder for speed in windsurfing.

    For his next round of record breaking attempts Hysucat will also be the support boat for Antoine. Fast enough to keep up with the world record holder and with a small wake signature .

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  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    I love it !! give me more !!!!

    Don't ya just love go fast cats specially in choppy sloppy water . Monos don't have a look in for safety and stability at those speeds , been there done that!!:p:p[/Bo
  3. Easy Rider
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    Easy Rider Senior Member

    Looks great at speed but look at how deep that hull is at near rest. That OB must have it's lower cylinder almost submerged. It's gotta be heavy. I don't see any advantage to it. I think it's vogue looking and thats it.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    You need to change you glasses old fella !!
    The cowls on the new out boards are a strange shape and very deceiving to look at these days ! being a tunnelled hull and a single out board it could possibly be a 25 inch shaft . Even with the old out boards the cowls are very water tight and a few times I have looked out the back of one boat I used to go fishing to see green water coming right over the top is a 150 hp v6 mercury in a really rough sea and it never missed a beat in the whole of the 6 hours coming home after a successful days fishing off shore !! :confused:
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Does seem a bit stern heavy from the picture, but hard to tell with the lumpy sea. And tunnels, less of the "old" fella stuff, he may be younger than you !
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Every one is younger than me !! !!:D
  7. MrHysucat
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    MrHysucat Hysucat Evangelist

    Maybe I should have explained a bit better. This is a hydrofoil supported catamaran.

    The bow is a bit higher on this new model to make the boat drier in very lumpy sea conditions.

    The stern is not that heavy and it does not matter when the boat is running, it loves to carry weight. The stern foils support the rear of the boat.

    Because of this we run the engines pretty high almost in surface piercing mode. So no need to worry about them drowning.

    This show boat is running 2x 175 Susuki's and will do 50knots with the current prop setup. A more aggressive setup will take it to 60knots with those two standard Suzi's. Pretty sure if it was a monohull it would have two 300's on the back and would be dragging it's *** through the water.

    Easy Rider, the point you are missing is not how deep the boat is sitting at rest .... but how much is out of the water when it is running. Will put up some more pics to demonstrate this.

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    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  8. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Nice pictures

    Ok you have my vote !!!
    would be a good all round sales pitch to get some rough water pics and stress the seating inside as well I saw these seats at the last Shanghai boat show but most people would never have known or even guessed why they were being used !! :confused:
    I love it !! its me that's for sure !!:D:p
  9. MrHysucat
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    MrHysucat Hysucat Evangelist

    Hi tunnels,

    This 8.5m Hysucat Elan is fitted with shock mitigation seats from Ullman. As this boat is used as a demonstrator to public, commercial and military clients it is important to fit the best possible.

    Important to note the combination of the asymmetrical hulls combined with the hydrofoil system make for the most comfortable ride possible and therefor a reduction in human fatigue which is important for commercial and military operators.

    We are just finishing up from a week of hush hush demonstrations somewhere deep in Europe where we got nothing but positive feedback.

    Attached is a video with some more eyecandy.
  10. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Hy Hysucat, :D

    Nice boat, nice styling and nice idea about partially foil-supported rib cat.
    I hope Elan ( ; will have no objections regarding the name of that model. I mean, it's a bit like calling the boat Hysucat Beneteau. At first I thought it was made by Elan and the model name is Hysucat. ;)

    Anyways, good job done there.

  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I recall the first time I heard about a hysucat, I thought it must have been a Japanese invention. Silly me. :D
  12. MrHysucat
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    MrHysucat Hysucat Evangelist

    I don't see how they could get upset. After all "Elan" is a simple sounding word that means liveliness, flash and panache. Does not refer to any brand. Or we might have had Lotus on our case as well. :p

    I don't see how it could be misunderstood unless you routinely read backwards.

    It is not partially foiled, it is a hydrofoil catamaran. These are just surface foils as opposed to submerged hydrofoils.
  13. Easy Rider
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    Easy Rider Senior Member

    Mr Hysucat wrote;

    "Easy Rider, the point you are missing is not how deep the boat is sitting at rest .... but how much is out of the water when it is running. Will put up some more pics to demonstrate this."

    Indeed she's running nice in all the photos except the pic of her at near rest. Very low in the water and I'm sure lots of that is obviously from the tunnel.

    The essence of the design appears to me to be a narrow catamaran w inflatable topsides for stability. This should provide a lower than usual wetted surface at speed and a higher than usual hull loading. Probably needs more speed and power to get on plane especially when loaded but good performance at speed.

    As to the "old fella" I'll let that slide.

  14. MrHysucat
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    MrHysucat Hysucat Evangelist

    Sitting low in the water at rest is very beneficial for many water related activities ... and yes it will float with the pontoons deflated.

    The idea was to make it as wide as possible. In actual fact the widest permissible towing width allowed on our roads.

    It actually needs less speed and power to get onto plane and amazingly you can throttle back once you are on plane and cruise at lower revs to save fuel.

    The hydrofoil is great at carrying weight and it is no problem getting it on the foil and planing even with 12-14 people on board.

    Convinced you yet ?


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