HEMP 10+ Stronger & Lighter than Steel - HEMP Bio-Fuel

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Ultimate Design, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Ultimate Design
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    Ultimate Design Ultimate Design

    I would like yacht builders to join the revolution to bring back HEMP as a building material and bio-fuel,HEMP IS CHEAPER than fibreglass and steel and 10 times stronger and lighter than steel and its RENEWABLE,hemp is demonised and outlawed as a drug as a SCAM by the ruling elites to keep domination and power over the people and to keep the masses poorer with less freedom than the elites and dependant on there steel and oil industries and they treat people as labour supply and not as human beings of God like potential.
    Do you know HOW they were able to sail to Plymouth Rock,America in 1620? HEMP! It was used for the ship’s rigging and sails, because hemp was stronger and more hardy than other materials.
    Hemp Rope
    Closely resembles traditional natural fibre rope however is rot resistance light weight so it floats, less prone to abrasion than the more commonly used hempex making this the perfect choice for traditional ship rigging.
    Henry Fords Hemp Car
    WATCH VIDEO - Ford's Hemp Fueled Hemp Body Car
    Henry Fords 1941 hemp plastic car was 10 TIMES lighter and stronger than steel so would be excelent for airplane and ship building aswell.
    When Henry Ford told a New York Times reporter that (Ethanol) ethyl alcohol was "the fuel of the future" in 1925, he was expressing an opinion that was widely shared in the automotive industry. "The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust -- almost anything," he said. "There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There's enough alcohol in one year's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years."
    Ford recognized the utility of the hemp plant. He constructed a car of resin stiffened hemp fiber, and even ran the car on ethanol made from hemp. Ford knew that hemp could produce vast economic resources if widely cultivated
    Canadian Cannabis Car called Kestrel Coming soon.
    At 2:20mins processed hemp a replacement for fibreglass
    At 3:48mins the Canadian modern car made from hemp plastic
    Hemp House in Asheville, NC
    A house built with hempcrete made of Hemp,Lime and water
    Hemp walls in Nauhaus prototype, Asheville, NC
    Hempcrete house
    How Hemp Is Used for Food, Clothing, Building Materials and In Cars Like Lotus
    Hemp Lotus SPORTS CAR
    Hemp is now being allowed to be grown in British fields the seeds are
    sown in april or may
    At 3:30mins demonstration of a hempcrete wall made from lime and hemp
    creates a wall that needs no heating or cooling
    Hemp Farming,the Environmentaly Sustainable Crop with High Profits
    Everything petroleum does,Hemp does better
    The reason Cannabis/Hemp is criminalised is because it is a better renewable natural material than steel and petroluem and it was a threat to the existing big corporations who own and run the steel and petroleum companies because they make more money from materials that decay and breakdown faster than stronger materials like HEMP,the alchohol prohibition and MOONSHINE running was all a SCAM to destroy the farmers BIO-FUEL industry who were using HEMP,wheat,barley,potatoes to make bio-fuel and they were a threat to the petroleum companies.
    The Power of RAW Cannabis.
    Cannabis/Hemp is a vegetable plant that if eaten everyday cures most ailments,the FDA,(Food Drug Administration) run by the ruling elites have criminalised cannabis/Hemp to prevent people using it as a construction material or health food so that the elites can make more money from inferior medical drugs that dont cure people.Anyone who has a real PROVEN cure for cancer is immedieatley demonised and criminalised by the FDA so that the wealthy ruling elites can keep making money from the drug companies and keep the very healthy elites seperated from the lower masses of society into a lower class and standard of living and poorer health so they can dominate and keep control over the world human labour supply.
    ----- PART 2 -------->>(((((((( Gerald Celente Appeal to Re​store America before its too late )))))))))<<---------
    Gerald Celente Unleashed
    Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones show appeals to Americans to restore the country and to stop the ruling elites from destroying and dismantling it,he was in Germany and seen the once great old Berlin and asks how the Germans let a two bit cartoon freak like Hitler destroy there country,Gerald says he was in south America contemplating leaving the dying USA but decided to go back to the country his grandparents came too and stay and fight the NWO corruption,tears roll down his face at the end. At 7:30mins Gerald says you can meet him at Kingston,New York where he has bought 4 historic buildings on the 4 corners of John Street and Crown Street,Kingston,New York.
    Gerald Celente Visits Infowars
    At start Gerald does some fantastic dance moves to James Brown music
    Life Tips Celente Style
    Gerald says the politicians,billionaires and ruling elites are in the process of crashing the American economy and when things turn bad with food shortages,protests and riots the elites will fly out of the country and watch it colapse.
    Wave Goodbye to What We Knew
    Trends in America with Gerald Celente
  2. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    I think you can reinforce polyester with almost anything. Some use gaze bandage.
    You have some strong allegations, do you have any proof about the prohibition?
    As for the miracle of canabis? Snake oil syndrome all over again?
  3. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    What about Abaca, it's good too.............
  4. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    Ultimate design, Gerald Celente is 66 y/o. How can he was in Germany and see Hitler? As a Spermatozoid with extra power?
    Stop watching You tube, it make you stone :D
  5. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    Yes, and I think they do rope also with that.
  6. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    I'll think you find Hemp is already used in industry
    I have a mate in the grows it in the UK, its very difficult to process/cut so that makes it expensive
    Like cutting a tree made from Kevlar
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    After a rough night out, I'll usually crap out the stuff you seem to be selling and call it about the same - hemp.

    I typically don't welcome spammers, but in your case I felt some pressure, to let one drop on your load of - hemp.
  8. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    There is a returning trend in natural materials, including hemp, flax, bamboo, abaca, and what not.

    I will only comment on technical claims, as I strongly belief politics and religion should not be discussed on forums. (at least not this one)

    Any claim made can be true in certain circumstances. However the current situation is that natural fibers are not as strong, nor as cheap as glass fiber. Technological advances are made, so I could be wrong in a couple of years time. So far I have built skis and a 6 meter boat from flax.

    Availability is also an issue. Although nonwovens are quite readily available, wovens and multiaxials are more difficult, also due to the nature of the fiber. (processing issues)

    From a green point of view, what is interesting is the ability to reduce the CO2 footprint: grow the material where you need it (little transport), and relatively little energy consumption during processing.

    On hemp: The hemp used for the fibers, hardly contains any THC. To get high from technical hemp, you should smoke at least 500 lbs in one time.
    THC slows down cell growth, thereby slowing down cancer. It is also a pain killer, and one that also fights pain from reumatic joints.

    --bye bye rep points--
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  9. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    I wouldn't worry about a couple of points.
    Medical use is terrific, if it helps or give relief, I don't care if people blow a couple of scoobs over the weekend. I've worked in places with a drug culture, aint too pretty, useless workers, lazy & forgetful.
    It would be great to see some more use of some natural fibers.
    In rope at least there's some places different plants grow higher & you get longer more useful fiber from them, more important in rope making.
  10. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    you forgot to mention eventually fries your brain
    If its skunk then you can do it to yourself in about 2 years of use
  11. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    At a guess I would have thought that many natural fibres fit in a scale with other man made fibres but of course below the highly refined ones like Kevlar PBO and M5 etc
  12. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Henry Ford added ethanol to the low quality fuels of the 1910s to increase the octane rating. When tetraethyl lead was discovered as an additive, he discontinued the use of ethanol, because the new product was cheaper and vastly superior. Ethanol uses more energy to be manufactured than it releases in an engine.
  13. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    The current skunk is about 10 times stronger than the stuff they smoked in the 70's. So much different than what you need for pain relief, (you only need small amounts.)

    Probably still kills your brain, but at a much slower rate. And when it helps you survive rheumatic atrosis, you might take that for granted. If it helps you live those last 15 years or so in comfort...

    Do not understand me wrong: I do not like drugs at all, but in specific circumstances, why not. Once the doctor gave me pills for an injury I had, and it made me live in a bad LSD trip for about 10 days. Not nice. In that respect I would have prefered something more natural.

    Anyhow, back to the topic:
    In many cases glass or other manmades are not neccesary. For instance in serving trays, interiors, etc. Natural fibers also make a composite product more easy to recycle (at least you can burn it in energy plants, without nasty residues from glass or carbon leaving behind)

    In car interiors natural fibers (non wovens)already made their way, for a huge TECHNICAL advantage: the sound dampening is huge, compared to alternatives.

    And that is where it is all about: cost and performance. As long as these are not up to par with what is used today, the market will be very small.
  14. Kieran.NZ
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    Kieran.NZ Junior Member

    Interesting thread. Does anyone know of any studies or documents which compare the strength of bio-fibres to carbon-fibres. I've heard that hemp can have a higher tensile strength but has poor impact resistance. Talking to a top Naval architect in NZ last year he didn't think at the time bio-fibres were at a point where they could compete with glass fibres. Has any recent developments been made with bio-fibres to bring them to a level where they could compete?

    These guys are loving it : http://www.worldindustrialreporter.com/cic-developedbio-fibres-to-replace-fibreglass/

  15. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    If it cost more to supply, than it uses more resources to deliver to the market than traditional fibers used in boat building. how rot resistant is it compared to wood, fiberglass or even cotton canvas for that matter? where can I buy fabric or rope made from it? If it costs more than canvas, I would not buy it.

    I just recently built a boat from recycled corrugated cardboard, with a cotton fabric covering bonded with Tight-bond glue. It a composite hull made from all natural fibers and non-toxic adhesive. worked well.

    You can see pictures of it here:

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