Help with Maxsurf stability

Discussion in 'Software' started by Frank Nsrl, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. Frank Nsrl
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Frank Nsrl Junior Member

    Hi there, i need help with my model in maxsurf stability module. It seems that after designing my hull form (research vessel), i get my hydrostatics data. However my next progress is to define weight calculation in maxsurf. ive done the weight stability of my structural members and all the equipment to obtain my ship deadweight. however after adding all the information about my weight estimation (add to loadcase), it seems that my model have sunk. I really hope someone can solve this problems for me and gave the solution. All related information about my problem are attached below. Many Thanks! model sunk.PNG profile.PNG ship loadcase weight estimation.PNG model sunk.PNG profile.PNG ship loadcase weight estimation.PNG

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I can not open your file with maxsurf, it seems to have some defect that prevents me from opening it. In the meantime you should check if the base-line, the origin of the coordinates, Ap anf Fp are correct.
  3. Frank Nsrl
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    Frank Nsrl Junior Member

    hi, thankyou for your reply. ive attached a zip file of the maxsurf, hope u can open it. Pls open the ''TANK TOP'' Folder, it the latest design FOR.PNG frame of reference.PNG FOR.PNG frame of reference.PNG

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  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Sorry, I still can not open the file "ship design vessel MAIN". The message of the attached picture appears. What I do not understand is why you need to use two different files, the previous one plus the one you called "TANK". All the information should be in a single file. On the other hand, it does not seem to me a good idea to define the entire hull by means of a single surface. Simplify the model, and you would get a better definition, if you used several "patches" to define the hull.
    It would also be preferable to place zero point in the baseline.

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  5. Frank Nsrl
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    Frank Nsrl Junior Member

    Hi TANSL, thank you for your support. my problem seems to be solved, it seems that there's technical error with my maxsurf version which causes difficulties for the software to calculate properly my ship stability. i've attached the new zip files and clean all the uneccessary in that folder for your references.

    it would be great if you can show me on how to define my hull properly using multiple surfaces. Again, thank you sir.

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  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I'm glad you solved the problem.
    It is not easy, sitting in my office, to tell you how you have to build the hull surfaces but, for example, it could be interesting to define the skeg by means of a surface independent of the hull's surface.
  7. Frank Nsrl
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    Frank Nsrl Junior Member

    Yup, ive seen several sample model which was properly define the bow cone, skeg, upper hull, bottom hull which sometimes can be quite complex and adding complexity to NURBS surface in maxsurf is kinda tricky but ill practice from time to time. btw thank you, this boat design community is helping me alot (learn many new stuff). Cheers!

  8. R. Thierry
    Joined: Mar 2023
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    R. Thierry Junior Member

    Hi Frank Nsrl, can you please advice me how did you solve this problem, because I think I'm facing the same right now?
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