Help with Identifying This Small 10' outboard powerboat?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by jbsails, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. jbsails
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    jbsails New Member

    I bought this little 10' boat a while ago here in San Diego. It is very unusual and the previous owner had not idea of who the manufacturer is. I have never seen another one and there are no identifying marks, logos, or tags.

    If anyone has any idea, it would be appreciated. I thought it might be an "Addictor", but it is not.


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  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Have you checked the upper right hand corner of the transom, just below the rub rail?
  3. jbsails
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    jbsails New Member

    Yes, I have pretty much checked the boat all over. By the way, I think it is a pretty cool little boat with great lines. I am looking forward to restoring it!

    I would love to find out who made it and if there are others out there.

  4. IMP-ish
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    Have you made any headway with the restoration jb?
    Does look like a cool little boat.
    The only thing I don't like a lot is all the reverse bow above the rub rail.
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