Help with Foil Cat Design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Katmaniac, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. Katmaniac
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    Katmaniac Junior Member

    is there anyone out there skilled in using design software for boats, or that has specific design capability for power catamarans. I have a very good alluminium boat builder but their designs are dated and i want to update them with: A) A Foil B) just a range of improvements on their existing design. I know exactly what i want - just dont have the capability to turn it into a drawing or design for them. Happy to pay for someones time rather than start learning software myself. Not in a rush, have a good working boat just want to build the one i really want and no one makes it.

    Useful info. Hull Alloy. Size: 26 - 28ft. Use: Fishing: Power: Outboard x 2
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Kat.

    There is a lot of skill and know how re ally power cat design on this Forum, including @Ad Hoc and @Alik and @TANSL and others who hopefully will contribute their thoughts here as well.

    But I am sure that you could produce even a rough sketch of what you have in mind?

    Are you able to provide a link to the boats that your ally builder is currently producing?
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  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Welcome to the forum KatM...

    We would need a bit more information for the duty of the vessel.
    Typical range, endurance, speeds, payload, area of operation etc etc.

    It is not a case of here is a hull, now go cut it.
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  4. Cacciatore
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    Cacciatore Naval Architect and Marine Engineer

    Hello Katmaniac, welcome to the forum. I'm very familiar with that niche of fishing catamarans, and we can provide you with plenty of useful information regarding both design and outfitting, although I strongly advise against using foils due interference with Air-water mixture in the tunnel and relative turbulence at the propellers (take a look at the positioning of the outboards on boats equipped with this type of foil - TOE OUT) . Feel free to ask anything you need.
    TANSL and bajansailor like this.
  5. Katmaniac
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    Katmaniac Junior Member

    Thanks a lot for the response. I dont think they run a website, but i can visit the factory and take photos. I am seeing some other parameters entered by other responses below so i will go read and consider those. tyvm.
  6. Katmaniac
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    Katmaniac Junior Member

    Well thanks a lot for your response, very kind. Interesting comment on the foil, i keep seeing more and more foil cats being realeased commercially now, (Foilcat, vandal, Aquila, insetta etc) with pretty large performance improvements claimed from the foil. Have i misunderstood something? The builder has a decent engineer - i really just want to draw the thing the way i want it in a simplistic fashion and have them come back with the master drawing but im guessing from these comments that ive been naiive. There isnt anything revolutionary about what i want to draw, i want a cross cabin center console cat, with maximised fishing space. Ive owned a lot of boats so like everyone else you get very clear about how you want the boat to work. I fish off of panama and costa rica and a normal CC cat/or mono is just unpleasantly hot and wet (rain and humidity), a full cabin sacrifices 360 fishability and i really do not want spaces for cushions, tables or sleeping spaces. I just need an airconditioned cab, and want to show the builder the idea because hes never built a cross cabin before. Let him work it out. Theyll be able to work out any weight changes from a CC pretty accurately i think. but maybe i should be commissioning someone to actually design it. I thought id have to do that to teach them how to put a foil on it for sure but that with a good basic sketch theyd understand the plan for the cross cabin idea. I was definately thinking id have to hire someone very experienced to provide the designs for a foil. Ill do it with or without the foil btw. If knowledgeable people are saying the tech isnt there yet ill just carry on without it till it is. tyvm again for your response.
  7. Katmaniac
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    Katmaniac Junior Member

    Hey, thx for the response. They have an engineer for all of that i jsut thought there was some design software out there which i could use to make a simplistic model so the builder can get the concept. Not so much to design any of those types of specifications. Just a modelling or drawing software to say: i want it to be laid out like this... then they can figure out the rest. ty for your reply.
  8. Katmaniac
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    Katmaniac Junior Member

    So, how would i go about commissioning someone to draw my designs into actual plans for the boat builder?
  9. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Ask the boat builder, no?

  10. Cacciatore
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    Cacciatore Naval Architect and Marine Engineer

    Just sent a private message
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