Help with creating a sloped stern with delftship

Discussion in 'Software' started by wlldm, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. wlldm
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    wlldm Junior Member

    Hi, I'm new in this forum but I've been reading it for a while.
    Few days ago I decided to build my first scale model of a boat and by searching on the web I found the delftship and this forum and started to design the hull of a jolly boat like design, but the problem is, how do I extract the linesplan of a sloped stern on delftship? I mean, when I export the linesplan to dxf format, the stern is a simple projection of the sloped one designed on delftship. I don't know if I made me clear, I'm still learning English, so I attached the dxf and fbm files. Thank for any help!
    View attachment bote_01.fbm

    View attachment bote_02.dxf

    Sem título.png
  2. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    You could manually move the points. Or uses the rotate function.
  3. wlldm
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    wlldm Junior Member

    Thanks for you Answer! But the point is that I want that stern sloped, but the linesplans created when I click on lines button is a paralel projection with distortion. I made an image to explain better what I mean.

  4. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    Ok, first off close up the transom and make it a face. Best to check the manual for this. But, if you hold down the ctrl button and click the points in series, then hit the add new face button, you should end up with a new face. you can then find the expanded transom shape in the unfold section under tools.
  5. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

  6. wlldm
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    wlldm Junior Member

    First of all, sorry about don't answering before, and also thanks for the tips. I only have time to test things on sundays, so, next sunday I post here the results. Thanks again!
  7. wlldm
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    wlldm Junior Member

    The link you provided didn't work, I tried from google but the same result. Is there another place where I can find it? Thanks!
  8. lewisboats
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  9. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I use Freeship, which should be almost identical to Delftship (except that it is free).

    These are the steps to do:

    Freeship dxf export.jpg

    And this is the end result (it could look different in case of Delftship):

    View attachment FREE!ship demo 2__Linesplan.dxf

    Hope it will help. :)

  10. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    You may be able to create a true projection of the shape of the stern as a developeable surface, using the Unfold command. Select Tools/unfold. However, it will attempt to unfold everything; that is lay all surfaces flat. You will have to deselect everything except the transom. Then zoom in on the transom. You can then save it to a dxf file or simply print it.

    I have a copy of the Freeship Manual in French if you are more comfortable with that than English. Most of what is in the Freeship manual applies to Deltfship.
  11. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Ah, ok. I have misunderstood the questions. Thought that wlldm didn't know how to export to dxf.

  12. wlldm
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    wlldm Junior Member

    Hi guys! Sorry about not talking to you before! I didn't get time to test it yet, but as soon as posible, i'll be able to post the results to show you all.
    Thanks a lot to everyone!
    By the way, thanks lewisboats, the link you provided is working just fine!
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