Help with cost estimation

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Robinfly, Aug 9, 2022.

  1. Robinfly
    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Robinfly Junior Member

    Hi to all,
    How to determine the preliminary costs of building a boat in strip planking when the project is still in concept phase? No details other than basic dimensions?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    With these data it is not possible to give a serious figure. You could look online for similar boat prices, or second hand boat prices, but that won't tell you the cost of your boat either.
    You need to make a list of materials, types, qualities, necessary, list of hull and deck equipment that the boat will carry, number and power of engines, sails, etc... and to that add an estimate of the total hours needed and , if you know it, apply the hourly price that you may have.
    I don't think you can be given a figure if you don't first prepare the SOR, at least in terms of the necessary qualities and quantities, of your boat.
  3. Robinfly
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    Robinfly Junior Member

    I understand that, thank you.
    But is there a ballpark number to estimate building costs (just hull and deck) like they use for aluminium or steel, for example $ per kg of material weight?
    The reason I'm asking is because we are in the very beginning of the project with just a concept on the table and the investor wants us to estimate the building costs before finally deciding to move forward with the project.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The problem is that each builder has a different productivity and a different price/hour. On the other hand, the price of materials can vary greatly from one place to another. Also, with inflation like the one we have, who dares to venture a price?
  5. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Primary materials can be estimated from an approximate surface area, so if you have the basic dimensions you can calculate that. Support materials are more difficult you need experience and a healthy margin.
    All materials price depend on location and timing, you can only quote for existing stock.
    Labour can only be estimated if you have done this exact type of construction before, so you know how long it takes your crew to plank, fair, glass, etc.
    You also have to be very clear about who performs what work. Example strong back, does the NA supply NC cutting files for it and is the cutting done in house? The strips themselves are similar, who cuts them, if they are profiled who does the machining? Depending on your tools, experience and labor rates it can be cheaper to buy the strong back precut, the strips machined and the thickened epoxy in selfmixing cartridges. Add plastic or wooden nails to the mix and stripping becomes very fast, and that cuts labor. It is however the wrong approach if you have a a lot of cheap workforce available or are already tooled up for those specific operations.
  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    You need to provide a few details before anyone can offer you any idea.

    hull type
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  7. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    A good yard can tell you cost per man hr and how many man hrs per ton or per pound of displacement for various structure complexity. In today's labor force uncertainty I'd estimate a significant cushion. Then it's off to finding surface area of the structure for materials. Should be able to do a rough estimation from there.
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  8. Robinfly
    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Robinfly Junior Member

    Well, that's definitely right. We had a huge jump in material costs lately too.
    Anyway I'll try to figure something out. Thanks!

  9. Robinfly
    Joined: Dec 2019
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    Robinfly Junior Member

    Well, seems I'll have to contact few boatyards and see what they will say about ti. I hoped there was a aproximative number per kg or lb of materijal weight for solid preliminary estimation. Thank you for reply
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