Help Wanted: new boat building company

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Chris Brouillette, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. Chris Brouillette
    Joined: Nov 2022
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    Chris Brouillette New Member

    New builder of carbon fiber composite flats skiff. Need FT/PT craftsmen with skills in plug/mold building, lamination, gelcoat spraying, assembly, rigging. Attention to detail, ability to problem solve, dependability, and experience necessary. Flexible work schedule, above average compensation. Significant advancement within company possible.
  2. rangebowdrie
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    rangebowdrie Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    As I'm in the PNW, I'll have no horse in this race.
    Wish you well with your plans, so take this with a guarded laugh.
    It's been said, "The way to make a small fortune in boatbuilding is to start out with a big fortune", ;);)
  3. Chris Brouillette
    Joined: Nov 2022
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    Chris Brouillette New Member

    Appreciate the reality check . Didn’t even endeavor to build boats. Embarked on this journey simply out of a passion to build one and, well, it turned out pretty damn good.
  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Well, that's a good start, but now you have to convince others that it is pretty damn good, and convince them it's worth the price. What kind of boat is it?
  5. Chris Brouillette
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    Chris Brouillette New Member

    It’s a flats fishing skiff designed primarily for fly fishermen, particularly for places like the Florida Keys, Everglades, and other inshore waters in Florida.

  6. Gasdok
    Joined: May 2020
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    Gasdok Junior Member

    Contact me at 321 417-2103
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