help to perform a parametric transformation on ship with macros excel

Discussion in 'Software' started by cristianon, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. cristianon
    Joined: Aug 2015
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    cristianon Junior Member

    hello sir,
    can you help me to write the code to perform a parametric transform for my ship using excel macros for maxsurf automation.
    i've already tried to write the code but it seems not working from tutorial book that i found from the installation files. i'll upload my ship please help me cause i dont understand about visual basic yet.
    thank you...

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I have developed many programs in visual basic and I usually use Maxsurf, although I know nothing about automation in Maxsurf. I guess it must not be easy to use because I do not know anyone to do it (although I'm sure there are many people who have achieved). All I can offer is to try to transform your boat, with my programs, and restore a file to Maxsurf
  3. formsys
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    formsys formsys

    The Automation Manual in Maxsurf is pretty good, its in the Help menu. You can also find Automation examples at C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\Maxsurf 20 V8i\Automation Samples for a Version 20 installation. Take a look at the Maxsurf\SystematicSeries.xls example. It uses the ParaTransform automation function.
  4. cristianon
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    cristianon Junior Member

    thank you for your replying, but i've already did from what you have said but it's not work to my ship. i still can not perform paratransform to my ship from that code and i dont know how to rewrite the code so that i can use it to transform my ship. i hope you can help me to rewrite the code.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you show me your code I could see whether, at least from the point of view of visual basic, it is correct.
  6. cristianon
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    cristianon Junior Member

    you can view my code from my attachment i don't know why it's not working to my ship
    thank you for trying to help me

    Attached Files:

    • vba.xls
      File size:
      51.5 KB
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    See attached a file with some bugs fixed.
    Hope this help

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  8. cristianon
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    cristianon Junior Member

    thank you for your replying,
    but i'm sorry it seems i still don't how do i get to know the correct value here's my maxsurf's file. i just want to change the displacement, lcb, lwl, cp of my ship.

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  9. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    You need to give several values. Some of them change and others do not, but you must indicate all of them, those that change and those that do not change.
    Read carefully the automation manual. I do not have it but I'm sure there explains everything.
    I had already used your file in post #1.
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