Help to identify this hull design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Inspiro, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Inspiro
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Location: Cairo, Egypt

    Inspiro Junior Member

    I'm new here
    I know this is a very basic question, but I'm novice in this field
    This is the typical kind of fishing boats availiable for rental in Egypt but are very slow(some say this is due to the kind of wood and manufacturing method), I think this is has more to do with design and low power for weight(usually 60 hp outboards for 32-34 footer)
    A friend of mine will be building one, he would like to make it go faster while not-by any means- less stable for fishing in relatively high sea(5 ft waves is common in this place)
    It was relatively smooth when not in motion, but when moving it more rides over water than slicing through which was not comfortable at even at moderate speeds, I believe this is a V hull with small V angle, am I correct?
    Also any recommendations to get a higher speed(20+ mph cruising)? with good comfort in motion and not affecting comfort when stationary?
    What kind of power is needed to reach these speeds?
    Does this kind of wood/manufacturing method has much to do with boat strength and achievable speed?

    Sorry for the many questuions

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  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Well, without more spec's on the boat you're just going to get speculation and guesses. Here's mine; I think you're correct in that hull and available power, has much more to do with their preformance potential. 60 HP is very low for a vessel of this size. You'll need a few hundred HP to see S/L of 3 or better, which gets you in the 20 knot range. As to how much HP you'll need, without weights and a better description of the hull, this is purely a guess. That bow looks like it'll "root" around a lot if driven very fast, which may very well be why they aren't. In short, you should build a boat designed to preform to your expectations, rather then attempt to force one, that may not have the "bones" to do so safely or efficiently. My guess would be at least 300 HP to see 20 knots.
  3. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    The V8 ,Cat 3208 ,turbo would be a excilent choice for a boat that size . Looks simular to what they had in Tahiti and cats were the preferred motors , A ton of grunt and good speed . :p:D:p:)
  4. Inspiro
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Inspiro Junior Member

    Dear PAR
    What exactly do you mean with "root"?
    By "bones" do you mean that the hull structure & type of wood used might not be up to the 20+ speeds? are you suggesting different materials?

    Sorry but I'm new to many of the terms used here

  5. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The vessel pictured is by all appearances a full-planing hull, but the carvel planking is more usually that of slower displacement boats. The slamming loads on that would concern me at high planing speeds. I think PAR suspects it could be broach prone, that might depend on what kind of external keel is in vogue, it appears to have a moderate vee of around 15 degrees. What kind of timber is used to plank them ?
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