Help! reading boat plans; trying to locate a builder for consult around Chicago

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by piratejon, May 6, 2015.

  1. piratejon
    Joined: May 2015
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    Location: Chicago

    piratejon New Member

    Can anyone give me some ideas on where I can get more educated on reading boat plans? I recently purchased a Kurt Hughes 38ft Power Tri set of plans and need to get more familiar reading them before attempting the build. I live in Chicago and am trying to locate a builder for consult but would love to hear any suggestions!
  2. snowbirder

    snowbirder Previous Member

    Kurt's plans are impossible to read unless you know how to build a boat.

    If you post your questions here, ant relevant pictures, we have a few people who have built his boats kicking around who can help you understand what a "ply doubler" "roving" or any number of his tags mean. :)
  3. piratejon
    Joined: May 2015
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    piratejon New Member

    Thanks for the feedback. Now thinking I will just buy a fixer upper so I can get out there! lol
  4. snowbirder

    snowbirder Previous Member

    That was a joke.

    Kurt's plans are hard to read. We can help.
  5. piratejon
    Joined: May 2015
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    piratejon New Member

    Well thanks, not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?
  6. snowbirder

    snowbirder Previous Member

    Start asking questions about your plans.

    I'll answer.
  7. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I am a shipwright in Milwaukee. What part of Chicago do you live in?

  8. Oleboynow

    Oleboynow Previous Member

    may I suggest, a tri is not a good first boat
    are you looking for a fishing platform? or a boat to cruise on, in rough water, or lake boat or?
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