help on identifyin flexible coupling

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by yvautrin, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. yvautrin
    Joined: Apr 2013
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    yvautrin New Member

    Dear All,

    i am newly in charge of boat maintenance for my company.

    When checking the flexible coupling, I noticed the disk on our 2 shafts is worn (8 years old!)
    The company does not have any tracks of the original purchase, and there are no marking/branding on the flexible coupling itself...

    I need to identify it in order to contact the manufacturer to get the spare parts.

    Any help appreciated!


    PS (the diameter of the disk is 19 inches)

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  2. yvautrin
    Joined: Apr 2013
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    yvautrin New Member

    here is a picture of the coupling if it helps...

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  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    That looks like an older "PolyFlex" coupling (judging by looks). There are many different brands and manufactures for these devices. That coupling doesn't need parts, it's shot and you need a whole new coupling. Contact one of the several manufactures and tell them what you're putting it on, shaft size, it's configuration, etc. and they'll tell you what fits.
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