Help needed(paid if necessary) - hull plan design

Discussion in 'Software' started by mitchellleary, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. mitchellleary
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    mitchellleary Junior Member

    Hi there,

    I've been searching for someone for a while to create a custom hull plan from which I will construct a small rc test model before hopefully scaling it up. I hadn't managed to find anyone and then recently came across DELFTship and this site.
    Is there anyone who could produce a custom hull plan for me based on images I have of an existing speedboat? I am willing to pay for your time.

    If you can help, please let me know here and leave your email address so I can send the images for you to take a look at.

    For reference, my email is mitchellleary (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Thanks in advance. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind Regards,

  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    There are several NA's and designers on this site that can help. It should be noted, a scale RC model will not scale up very well, to a full size boat and still have the same performance envelop. Don't get me wrong, a lot of information can be gathered from a model for testing purposes, but tank testing to optimize a hull form's features, are a whole different thing than simply scaling up from an RC. Simply put an RC model will have very different requirements and configuration to make it perform well, compared to a full size version.

    What about the existing speed boat type do you think needs to be modeled first, in order to have the full size version made better (the whole point of a model)? What is the make, model and year of the existing boat you'd like to work with?
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    mitchellleary , it is likely that I can help because I have already done similar work in the past. Send me the information you have and explains as best as possible what you need so I can give you an informed opinion.
  4. mitchellleary
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    mitchellleary Junior Member

    Hi PAR,

    Thanks for the advice. I look forward to receiving a few replies from people who may be able to help.

    I know that when I come to the full-size model I will have to go through another round of testing as the stats will be completely different. I just wanted to get an idea of a few features before forking out larger sums on the full-size model.

    You make a good point however that if the points that I want to test are few, then it may not be cost-effective to test a scale model first when doing the same for the final model would work just the same and give more accurate final results.

    Thanks for your comments. I'll send pics of the boat I'm basing my model on to anyone who wants them via private message.

  5. mitchellleary
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    mitchellleary Junior Member

    Hi TANSL,

    Thanks very much for your reply.

    I've sent you a private message so that you can see the images.

    Kind Regards,



  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

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