Help me identify this kayak/boat please.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Sleepy Dragonfly, Apr 23, 2018.

  1. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    I have a chance to get this for $50.
    The guy is not the first owner. He said it was white rubber... That tells me it is flex sealed. It is 7 foot long and weighs around 40 to 50lbs.
    I am trying to find the manufacturer to see the specs.

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  2. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    It looks mighty similar to the Tiki Waverider. I used to build the things in Key Largo. The molds we had were slightly different, but they are not the earliest versions. The person to track down is a fellow named Danny Delo. Last I knew he was in the Fort Pierce, Fl. area. The original molds were build by a fellow named Martin.

    Tiki Waverider

  3. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    I got it! I tested it on Lake Allatoona. Glorious! (dumped me in 8 seconds, after that, I was good)

    I named her the Damselfly.

    The boat behind her is the Sleepy Dragonfly.

    So... I guess they got hitched!

    Anyway. I will be making some more customizations to both the Sleepy Dragonfly and the Damselfly and they will be used on my You Tube channel, accessed at

    Thank you folks for the info!

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  4. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    I have since reconfigured the pontoon locations and fixed a leak in one.

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  5. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    A shot from the rear.

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  6. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    The Damselfly has been identified! At least I know the manufacturer.

    I realized that the hull was NOT composite, but polyethylene when I started to remove the paint. I split the hull because that meant it was TOO heavy. The foam ibside was waterlogged old school polystyrene and was falling apart. The good thing is that I found the hull ID plate!

    I will refill with liquid closed cell urethane.

    Anyway, Drum roll please...

    It was manufactured in 1990 by K L Industries.

    It is the Sun Dolphin's Grandfather!

    I have contacted Sun Dolphin last night and am waiting to hear if they can tell me the name and other details.
  7. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    Well, here is my progress with it...

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  8. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    When I was in Key Largo, a coworker at a little resort got to open the Christmas boat parade on Blackwater Sound. Her proposal was to paddle a kayak along the shore with a big lighted Christmas tree on it. I'll give you one guess who got to figure out how to put a big lighted Christmas tree on a kayak so that it could be paddled by a girl at night along a shore in a decent breeze.o_O

    Anyhow, the end result of six hours of tinkering looked a lot like yours save for the 6' Christmas tree. And we got a bit lucky with the conditions that night.
  9. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    It is amazing what you can do with some 2" xps foam. A 1' square will lift around 10.6 lbs...
    Calculate, divide by 2 for safety, and have at it!
  10. Mack Henry
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    Mack Henry New Member

    ED0F1CB5-3546-4718-857D-B0D75AD0AD74.jpeg DEFD6468-0289-4230-AB5E-23BAD9B03D94.jpeg D69DC0DC-4FC2-42B8-BCF7-A25EC92643F4.jpeg Need help kindly. I just purchased a vintage one-man fiberglass kayak with a Kevlar outlay. (Already have a 2-man ocean kayak sit on top plastic restin style). I got this to be sleeker, faster on the lake. The purpose here is just to cruise the lake. Don’t have any major dents or problems. I would like to fix it up by adding a glossy finish over the faded gel coat. See pics. Any suggestions. Next, roughly how old is this kayak; name or brand? Style? It’s very sleek and aerodynamic in appearance. I don’t Want to change the color just an enhanced glossy finish.
  11. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    Have you successfully found the hull ID#? If so, It can be used for identification.
  12. Mack Henry
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    Mack Henry New Member

    No Hull ID# or nameplate on inside of kayak which tells me it was homemade?? Thoughts?

  13. Sleepy Dragonfly
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    Sleepy Dragonfly New Member

    I would add secondary floatation inside in case of getting swamped to prevent sinking. Closed cell pour foam. Determine the weight of the craft, then calculate the volume of 2 part pour foam necessary to create a positive buoyancy of your craft and gear. DO NOT USE GREAT STUFF. It is open cell and absorbs water.
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