help me identify this boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by rocco611, Jul 30, 2022.

  1. rocco611
    Joined: Jan 2019
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    rocco611 Junior Member

    I am now the proud owner of a possible chris craft, not sure what year or model. appears to have been converted to center console controls. hull is diagonally planked on the inside fiberglass on the outside. has chris craft badge on the front of the console. inboard , flame arrester says 350 . small block chevy engine. brass propeller and rudder. stainless steel cutwater. fiberglass in delaminating from the wood, frames inside the boat seem to be in good condition. for sale sign in the boat says 47 chris craft.
    anyway if anyone has an Idea what this boat is I would like to identify it,

    thanks :)

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  2. rocco611
    Joined: Jan 2019
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    rocco611 Junior Member

    transmission model 185RH
  3. rocco611
    Joined: Jan 2019
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    rocco611 Junior Member

    I pulled the engine out today, the transmission is a velvet drive 1:1 . transmission output is reverse rotation, the front of the engine drives the transmission, water pump and alternator. the prop under the boat is LH rotation, appears to be the original Chris Craft prop from the 1940's . near as I can tell the boat is a 1947 sportsman that was converted to a v8 and center console controls. The cedar planking hull is surprisingly in good condition, the plywood that was added later to the boat is all dry rotted. the boat was completely fiber glassed at some point and is delaminating. Sad , could be a nice boat again, but would be way too much work to strip off all the glass. I disassembled the engine, it has not been run. rocker balls were still coated with assembly lube. inside of the engine shiny new. I was considering using the powertrain to build another boat, maybe not. I built a PM38 during covid and I have been looking to build a mahogany runabout. I thought this boat would be repairable or a drivetrain donor , but most likely I will just part it out and keep looking.

  4. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    Unfortunately you have a wooden boat that was dying and someone glassed it thinking that would save it. I've seen too many boats like that. I owned one back in the 80's. The only way to saved the hull is strip off all the glass and replace the wood. Reconstruct it the way it was built. But that is a huge project. However, the engine sounds like it is good.
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