Help me design my new dashboard additional 10” displays.

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by the brain, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Help me design my new dashboard additionale 10” displays.

    Hello all I’m planning to add chartplotting (using a andriod6 w/ its GPS antenna)
    And Raydar .

    I’ll probablley just extend my orginale dash (don’t want much else except displays to heighten the dash any more than nessasary) until I can totalley redsign. will make frame then strecht thick cotton t-shirt then glass.

    I would like to locate all equipment electric terminations on the underside of my control center (basicalley a lidded box mouted to right ride of helm seat,) inside this box will contain the
    raydars remote control
    VHS handheld microwphone
    All helm switchs
    The kicker engine (tiller converted to electric) throttle control more on this later.
    Box will have room for expansion like auto pilot ect).

    The only two wires exiting this box will be to the displays.

    Can a android table be used as a rayday display? If yes how hard would it be to interface the tablet to the RD antenna?

    heres the tablet for GPS I hope it's builtin antenna is stronge enough and I won't need a dongle. tablet&tag=vs-avsforum-convert-20

    any suggestions on what software to DL for chartplotting around the coast of Floridia /AL

    Here’s a image of the orginale dash.

    Thanks for any tips STB

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  2. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

  3. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    Update added
    Andriod 5.1 primary use 10" display GPS/Chartplotting. open CPN/Navionics

    mounted 12V DC socket primary use PS for LapTop used w/ this

    ?how will I power Tablets the Fusion5 has 120V AC power plug.

    the fusion5 came w/ a prioritized USB out of F5 then a regular USB cable.

    I've just mounted a USB dual charging socket however I've read the F5 will not charge from a USB.

    Thanks STB

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  4. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    I would pull everything off the Dash, port to starboard, clean it well and make any repairs
    or changes and then re skin it with a beautiful wood like Purple Heart or what ever
    you like, seal it with clear and UV protection then mount or remount your gauges or
  5. leaky
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    leaky Senior Member

    Although out of the box manufacturers love to put wiring behind or under a console, a better solution is to pull the wires through the bulkhead and have the connections all made inside the cabin. Then if you want you can add a cabinet to cover those connections, or not if it doesn't matter, but they will be easily accessible.

    As far as your dash goes. The simple thing is to find some plastic sheet, starboard, or even a cutting board, something of that nature, which looks OK in the setting and can be fastened over the existing dash - cut your new holes in it then fasten it in place. Similarly such a setup is also easy to access for wiring because then the entire part comes off.

    I would never depend on a tablet for navigation in a small boat. A 40+ ft boat with a completely sealed off wheelhouse that has heat & AC, sure a standard PC is fine and is a typical system in large boats 60+ ft, but in a 22 ft boat if you manage to get that tablet wet it's probably going to be right at the time when you need navigation most. Self contained submersible rated marine units are going to be much more reliable.

  6. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    even though tablet will be shielded from moisture.
    I was planning on covering tablet w/ ziplock bag.

    my redundancy is 1 for3 2nd backup is 2nb tablet 3rd is laptop.

  7. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    yes eventually I will fab a redesigned dash of aluimin however it's secondary to trim tabs, VHS radio/control console.

    I maynot reuseguages may have 3rd tablet displaying engine RPM/ fuel consumption ect. not sure if this is possiable because my engine is carbd. 2 stroke?

    my boat has a wireing troth from stern to behind helm.behind helm (all there is small fusebox/switch area.

    I'm concidering a row of 10 LED lighted control switchs these
    mounted ontop of orginal dash.

    I will mount both androids to bulkhead railing w/ biycycle attachments.

    I have the Ray Marine WI-Fish /transducer/sounder.
    my steering tubes are 24' I'm assuming the transducers wires will not be long enough allowing me to locate the WI-Fish behind helm.since wifish is wireless will it be OK to mount wifish under transom cap.?

    I want a side console to house my VHS troll king throttle for kicker.
    plus negative bus bar and a second fusebox, I currently have 8 fused locations. w/ 10 plus 6 switchs totale 16 available.

    theres 7" gap inbetween helm seat and gunwale plenty of room fo a electrical acessable side console control center

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  8. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    update depth finder /chartplotter on android 6 1240x800 resolution

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  9. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    update new Ray marine pro5 /GPS chart plotter.

    so what should I be viewing where?

    probablley observe sonar on 10" android,observe course on pro5

    I have signficately reduced glare however still need more tint on aft.wall/door

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  10. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    the ray marine line of sieght is obstructed w/ alumin hard top. so it constantely lose postion fix.

    it's located 5" from starwindow 10" from windshield.

    the andriod 6s GPS actuelly works however I want downvision displayed on the tablet and course displayed on the ray marine.
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