Help identifying this mini sailboat

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by GRZ0, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. GRZ0
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    GRZ0 New Member

    I've been fascinated with the idea of mini sailboat. What is this boat and are they available? I hope the picture comes through.

    Looking for something along the lines of a Minuet where you sit inside the hull. Are there others available? Not really interested in something like the Aero. Thanks for any help and info.

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  2. CT 249
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    CT 249 Senior Member

    2.4 Metre
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    I can't remember what it was called but I sailed one with my girlfriend 32 years ago!
    It was a blast!
  4. GRZ0
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    GRZ0 New Member

    Thanks! What a nice high end vessel, overkill for the casual one person mini sailboat I'm looking for. Can someone recommend something along the lines of a Minuet? Are their plans available for building one? Not interested in sit on top Aero type boat. I apologize if I'm in the wrong forum, or if this has already been discussed.
  5. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    The most current model is the Norlin Mk3, stand for Peter Norlin who first designed such boat in early 80's as a 1/5 model of a 12 m ji America cup. All info about 2,4mr history, designs, ... on this site :

    Also more recently, with the same kind of sitting position for the helmsman, is the development of the Mini 230, a scale model of an ocean racing boat :
  6. The Q
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    The Q Senior Member

    Others of a similar type but not longer in production (As far as i Know)
    The Illusion class Illusion Class Mostly UK but there are some in the USA
    And the Deception Class, a USA & Canada boat,
    and a bit bigger a mini J class Mini J Class

    There are two sides to the 2.4Mr class, strictly speaking it is a developement class built to a set of rules, people can and do build them at home, the clever ones design them as well.
    The Para olympics chose one model, the Norlin Mk3, hence this has become the most popular model anywhere,

    I designed and built my own boat about 20 years ago, (currently being rebuilt) . Using the principle of the mini 12 metre boats, but to a more local style used on the Norfolk Broads..
    This thread had lots of discussion and information on this type of boat Minuet Yachts: a 2m fun boat-can the design be improved?
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2019

  7. CT 249
    Joined: Dec 2004
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    CT 249 Senior Member

    I know the Mini 230 is a lot smaller than the 2.4, but looking at it one thinks that the beamy "open" style could be much slower for this type of boat than the skinny, low "metre style" designs. There seems to be a lot of wetted surface in the Open style, and the very high beam/width ratio makes the entry angle very high. Nor can this type of boat move the ballast outboard, or use the planing ability that the big Opens enjoy.

    The 2.4 Metres can be surprisingly quick upwind in light airs, about as fast or faster than boats like Tasars, Lasers, Flying 15s and quarter ton types. It would be interesting to see a Minuet type with Metre-boat style lines; obviously it would be longer than the Minuet but the beam, rig and displacement could stay the same and it could be surprising performer in the right conditions.
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