Help Identifying Classic Wooden Boat..

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by brodgers5000, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. brodgers5000
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    brodgers5000 New Member

    My great grandfather had this boat that we have a picture of in our home. Does anyone know what type of boat this is? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I figured someone would be able to identify it that knows these old wooden boats better than I do.

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  2. Mikeemc
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    Mikeemc Junior Member

    Looks like a lap strip canoe, double ender. Are those people sitting on a dock ?
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I think he means the boat in the foreground.
  4. Mikeemc
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    Mikeemc Junior Member

    Just my dry humor........... Not sure about the boat. There's old copys of " Open Exhaust "magazine on the net, that may have your answer.
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Haha, pleased to hear it, I was thinking you may be myopic ! :D
  6. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    The engine coaming and reverse sheer are pretty distinctive, you might research Ditchburn Boats from Ontario. Where the picture was taken would help (I see the US flag).

    Boat probably dates from the mid 1920's.
  7. brodgers5000
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    brodgers5000 New Member

    Thanks for the lead..still looking

    Thanks to everyone for the leads so far...I'm going to check the magazines and Ditchburn leads based on some replies though more clues are welcome in the mean time if anyone else reads the string.

    The picture was taken in Eagle River Wisconsin I think in the late 30's or 40's. The boat was my great grandfather's so I'm trying to figure out what it is and my family members on that side have no clues or other pics.
  8. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    You might try consulting a series of books (7 volumes) called "The Real Runabouts" by Bob Speltz. This series was a labor of love for Speltz who was ill with severe kidney disease when he embarked on documenting the history or classic runabouts. Each volume built on the last such that there is a little bit of everything from lots of different builders spread throughout the entire series. The Antique and Classic Boat Society sells copies of each volume and also publishes an index to the series so that you can find references to different builders quickly. There are lots of old photos and brochures printed in the series, and thumbing through those books, you might find clues as to what boat your great grandfather had.

    I hope that helps.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015

  9. brodgers5000
    Joined: Jan 2015
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    brodgers5000 New Member

    Help with identification of boat

    Thanks Eric,

    I will look into that resource to see if I can find anything that resembles the boat in those books if I can get my hands on a copy. I really appreciate the help as I haven't quite found the builder/manufacturer yet.

    With best regards,
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