Help identifying a yacht

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by coldcomfort, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. coldcomfort
    Joined: Mar 2020
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    coldcomfort New Member

    Watching a video (of the Sunbeam 40.1) on yt and i notice another yacht in the background. It looks a lot like the new Oceanis generation from Beneteau, the 51.1 and 46.1. Low superstructure with that "champagne glass" aft hull section and high freeboard but without the hard chines. Even the portholes look similarly places. And the video is 4 years old, so before they were even launched. And it seems a good deal shorter. What is it?

    Often when watching a boat in a marina, i happen to catch a glimpse of something else in the background and it bugs me when i can't identify it. And usually I let it go but this time i find it interesting to know where this design language comes from. I'm new to this so i don't know much in terms of visual cues. It's probably a well known line, i just can't figure it out. Hope it's not the wrong place to post this.

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    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum CC.
    Do you have a link to the video on Youtube please?
    Re the 'yacht in the background' - is this the red one in the background of your photo?
    Or was the one in front (in the photo) the yacht in the background in the video?
    I was initially wondering if the red one could be a Hunter HC50, but not quite.

    Re the white yacht, I would hazard a guess that she might be a an older Hanse?
    Hanse Yachts UK - Inspiration Marine Group
  3. coldcomfort
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    coldcomfort New Member

    Thanks, I've been reading these forums for some years.
    I zoomed in on the mysterious yacht in the picture above, so it is the grey on in the center. The red one is a small trimaran, a Dragonfly 25 from the look of it. The link is this
    around the 50 sec mark. But it's just a still, no more info there than there is in the picture above.

  4. coldcomfort
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    coldcomfort New Member

    Got it. A timely coincidence or yt suggestions are really terrifying. Browsing through their suggestions I saw a larger superyacht, which seemed to have many of the same elements. Then looking at their range there it was, the 52. Ice Yacht 52, a Felci design. Beneteau seems to have borrowed heavily from them, with their latest Oceanis generation, but it is a great inspiration.
    Will Gilmore likes this.
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