Help Identifying a Boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Paolo DB, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. Paolo DB
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    Paolo DB New Member

    Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for taking the time to read this thread.

    I am currently trying to identify a boat from the "Jurassic Park River Adventure" ride in Orlando, Florida. The goal is to 3D Model the Boat for a handful of projects that myself and some friends are working on, I will also be making the model 3D Printable.

    Here is the boat in question - note, these are older photos as it looks a little more different currently (new paint job and designation number);

    Would anyone be able to ID this and help us out? To note, we noticed that a lot of Vehicle props used in the park back in the 90s and early 2000s were actual Vehicles that could have been purchased by civilians that got a "Jurassic Park" themed Paint job. It is why we are under the suspicion that it might also be a real boat that was either bought or salvaged. We have a suspicion that it might be custom however, the use of real vehicles that were present suggest to us that it might not be.

    Thank you so much for reading, any help is greatly appreciated!

    If more info is needed, let me know and I will help the best I can!
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    There should be a number on the transom that will answer your question.
    The photos don’t show near enough detail to identify, and the entertainment industry is famous for altering products appearance so that they are not readily identifiable.
    It should be easy to find a similar boat, or construct a facsimile on a readily available hull.
    I can’t fathom why it could be important to exactly copy?
  3. Paolo DB
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    Paolo DB New Member

    Thanks for the reply!
    I'll see if there is a way we can get or find that number or some kind of identifying numbers.

    As for the whole entertainment industry bit, I'm thinking the same thing but in the park they had a bunch of different vehicles with little to no alterations and just a new paint job. Part of the reason why I would think the case is the same there, especially since it would have been cheaper to just repaint an already existing boat or modify it slightly.

    How would I go about finding a similar boat? I genuinely do not know where to start ahaha.

    As for the exact copy, its specifically cause we want to produce an accurate model/reconstruction as well as an overexaggerated attention to detail that I can't help. I have to have my models exact or it will drive me mad ahaha
  4. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Google Images is a great resource for identifying just about anything.
  5. Paolo DB
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    Paolo DB New Member

    If anyone can provide an actual response that can help identify boats that look very similar or if they can identify the actual boat. It would greatly help and be appreciated.

    Don't know where to start since no visible logos are present on the actual boat unlike other Vehicles in the park.
  6. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

  7. Paolo DB
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    Paolo DB New Member

  8. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

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