Help identify my boat!

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Chuck239, Jun 21, 2021.

  1. Chuck239
    Joined: Jun 2021
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    Chuck239 New Member

    I am new to the forum. I purchased this mahogany boat. Trying to find out exactly what it is. Length is 20’6
    Title: home made
    Mid engine set up




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  2. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Look on the transom for a hull id#

    super sexy rig...congrats
  3. Chuck239
    Joined: Jun 2021
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    Chuck239 New Member

    Yes good idea. In my case I see the the manufacturer as homemade
    and ID does not identify manufacture.
  4. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Chuck.
    Does she have an engine still (if so, can you provide more dtails about it's make, size etc), or do you have to source and fit a suitable motor?
    She does look very fine indeed - the ideal sort of launch for looking stylish on the Mediterranean Rivieras in the 50's.
    Or do you think that she was probably built much more recently?
    If yes, then hopefully there will be some kind of identifying plate on her transom.

    Edit - here is a thread on the Wooden Boat Forum on Facebook about a fairly similar type of boat to yours - I put a link on that thread to your thread here.
    Wooden Boat Forum : Hello everyone, I inherited a free 1958 Chris Craft Cavalier that hasn’t seen the water in 50 years, and has been stored in an old water tight garage. Any advice on the first steps to getting started refurbishing this boat?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2021
  5. Chuck239
    Joined: Jun 2021
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    Chuck239 New Member

    Thank you for taking the time to reply banyan sailor.
    The boat is outfitted with 454 Chevy big block. It seems to run great. This is my first wooden boat so I’m clueless for the most part. I purchased it to be able to tinker. For the most part structure seems to be in good shape. My only concern is a split in the wood above the waterline where fiberglass bottom meets the mahogany slat. ( approximately 2 fl long) boat has been out of the water for a few years.

  6. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    give us a picture of the crack/split and we'll see what the peanut gallery offers
    DogCavalry likes this.
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