Help I need 3.0 mercruiser info!

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by mspellman, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. mspellman
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    mspellman New Member

    Does anyone know if I can put a 1994 model 3.0 liter mercruiser into a 1986 model 3.0 liter mercruiser alpha outdrives I find no info on this can anyone help me thanks :confused:
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    The first thing you should do is get a repair manual for this drive, which typically is about 30 bucks.


    To answer your question, yep, it's a bolt in swap, but there will be some slight differences, you'll need to plan for, as with any engine swap.
  3. mspellman
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    mspellman New Member

    What are the slight differences can you tell me and is the diffacult to do
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Make sure you have the right combination of thermostat housing and exhaust manifold. The early ones sometimes overheated and had to have a bypass installed.
  5. mspellman
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    mspellman New Member

    3.0 mercruiser swap!!

    Is this a hard thing to do what about oil pan and flywheel changes the " donor motor has a penta drive" I have a alpha 1 thoughts !!
  6. mspellman
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    mspellman New Member

    Can this be done without a lot of ADDED problems or is this a due able task thanks !!
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Flywheels are the same but the couplers are different. Get the manual and study the exploded view. The basic engines are the same.
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Ditto, the manual is the key and of course general mechanical abilities not withstanding. If you've made engine swaps previously, you know the types of "details" you'll need to address (brackets, plumbing, electrical, elbows, couplers, manifolds, etc.). If this is your first, you'll find some things frustrating, but it's all doable.

  9. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    The engine will fit. Just the wiring may be slightly different because in that era Mercruiser made some minor changes like omitting the Ammeter and adding a warning buzzer for high temp and low oil pressure. The plug and wire colors are the same.

    I have scanned the original installation manual and am willing to mail you the relevant page(s) in case you encounter a problem.
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