Help getting started on 12 passenger t-boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by pcogs, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. pcogs
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    pcogs Junior Member

    I am looking at getting a COI on a Carolina Skiff 258 DLV. I have seen several boats in my area operating with this many passengers so I know it can pass stability tests and that it can be done.

    I am having a hard time finding where to start the process with the Coast Guard. I am sure there must be an application packet and i know that I will have to submit drawings, fiberglass layup schedule, etc. but I have spent hours looking and still can't find a good place to start. If anyone can post the link I would appreciate it.

    I do have some experience with this, i currently have a 47 passenger boat, but the builder handled the application for that one. I have been through several inspections and a stability test so I have an idea of what to expect.

    Also- here is something that has been bugging me. All of the little boats near me carrying more than 6 passengers are using portable 6 or 7 gallon tanks. I understand that a tank in the hull requires all sorts of additional safety measures and that the portable tanks are being used to get around this. I am thinking that a 28 - 40 gallon aluminum tank, pressure tested and approved by the CG and not mounted "within" the hull could also suffice. My thought is to mount it below a leaning post on top of the deck. This way it would not be part of the structure. One of the boats that has a COI for 12 passengers has a rack of 6 gallon tanks as part of the leaning post and just changes the fuel line when a tank runs out. I have been told this is so the operator can throw the fuel tanks overboard in event of emergency, but I am having a hard time with this.
    Any thoughts?
  2. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Contact the local USCG inspection office. You already have a relationship with them and they are the ones that will hold the hoops that you will have to jump through.

    The "throw them overboard" thing just sounds wrong. I would think any approved portable tank is as good as any other approved tank. More likely they are saving a few bucks by gassing up on land instead of dockside. Carrying a 6 gal tank is easier than carrying anything bigger, and they are made to be carried.

    Good luck, getting something like a Carolina Skiff "inspected" after the fact sounds like a challenge.

    Steve :cool:
  3. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    I think a better approach would be to take precautions so one doesn't need to do this;) I'm pretty sure I'd be in the water first, and I'd hate to get hit on the head by a throwed tank.

    The manufacturer would be my first call. The USCG second. The requirements for fuel systems are easily found by searches in the public domain.

    You might send a PM to forum member Ike and invite him to your thread.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    It is my understanding that Fire Retardant resin is required on a GRP boat that carries over 6 pax.

    Unless they have changed the rules , or you purchase a congressman , you may be stuck.

  5. captain doug
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    captain doug New Member

    Hi pcogs, I have the same skiff and had in mind possibly the same thing you do. I realize this thread is old but did you ever get your COI for your boat? If so could you fill me in some of the hoops needed to jump thru? Thanks in advance-D
  6. pcogs
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    pcogs Junior Member

    Never did get it done, but the only reason I just saw your post is because I’m going to give it a try this winter. Feel free to call 908-902-67 two two
  7. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    website says boat is rated for 18 people.

    anyone got a pic of anything close to that many in similar boat? because that seems like lifeboat or refugee crowding.

    All the company pics have at most 2 people.

    Just curious, what is the motivation for your passengers? fishing? sight seeing? commuting?
  8. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Geez this is an old thread, and he never pm-ed me. Anyway, boat carrying 6 or less passengers for hire have to meet the same requirements as a recreational boat. They use portable tanks for convenience and they do not throw them overboard. Someone was blowing smoke. However, if the cans are not fastened down (they should be but it's not required) in the event of a capsized or swamping they do float free and make a handy flotation device.

    As for getting you plans inspected and certified you need to contact the Marine Safety Center and they will direct you to the Marine Inspection office nearest you. Marine Safety Center (MSC)

  9. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    Have you contacted Carolina Skiff to see if they would be interested in assisting? You may need a set of lines and someone to calculate the stability curve if the simplified stability test isn't sufficient.
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