Help finding the right plans

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by JCT2024, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. JCT2024
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    JCT2024 Junior Member

    I have been looking for just the right plans for some time and I haven't been able to find exactly what I want. I am reminded of someone writing once "the perfect boat doesn't exist", meaning there are always tradeoffs. But I thought I would try crowdsourcing, so here is what I am looking for:

    Purpose: Sport fishing
    Construction: Ability to use strip planking\epoxy for hull and then the deck, stringers, etc. can be plywood.
    No less than 20' in length (likely will need to be a little more) and probably no longer than `30
    Has an enclosed head
    Ability to add boat tower
    Twin inboard engines with twin tanks
    Fish box
    Anchor locker

    Any links to plans that meet those requirements would be greatly appreciated. Displacement hulls, power cats, Deep Vs, center consoles, fly bridge, walk around, fast or slow, doesn't matter, I will look at anything you got. Thanks in advance.
  2. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Unfortunately some of your requirements are not compatible.

    Towers are not trailerable.
    No twin inboards at 20-30 ft.

    Otherwise good luck
  3. JCT2024
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    JCT2024 Junior Member

    I said "ability to add a tower" not "trailerable with a tower." And a quick Google search will give you almost a dozen Power Cat models under `30 with twin inboards. I'm just looking for a plan where the hull can use strip planking.
  4. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Also plenty of trailable twin inboards sub 30'. Bertram 25 had been around for ever before engine availability forced them to a beamier 26' to fit twin V6 petrol Chevys.
  5. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Speed, location, expected conditions, preferred hull type, range, load? I cannot see why a light aluminium tuna tower could not be lowered for the road, and you narrow the potential compromise by being specific with requirements.
  6. Milehog
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    Trailerable without a permit? In the states that is 8' 6" or less. Not much beam for even an ultralight tower.
    Twin inboards? Do you expect to somehow maintain them in that cramped space? Inline engines have limited choices, four bangers have low power and for an inline six it's either an old gasoline model or diesel.
  7. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    I cannot see a justification for sterndrives with four stroke outboards currently available up to 600hp.
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  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Only to prevent drowning outboards in bad seas or breaking surf…maybe also quiet or making the transom area better for fishing with less engine aft.

    I do like the OP’s post. So often we get people on here who want to design vs finding a design.

    It would be good to hear the story on engine choice because that factor reduces the available plans to near zero.

    Glen L has two designs that are setup for single inboards, the Escapade and tbe A-Lure that might be able to be modified to two smaller inboards.
  9. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Actually conditions which can drown an outboard can do similar to an inboard if the exhaust is faulty or poorly designed.

    I would suggest to you that while you may hear alarming stories about outboard engines being swamped in certain conditions, these events occur quite seldom, and many can be attributed to the nut behind the wheel.

    Pods, particularly ones with little bouyancy, kill outboards, and high speed cats do too, due to spray coming through the tunnel.

    Mercruiser engines are particularly prone to water entry due to a poorly designed and maintained check valve system in the exhaust.
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  10. JCT2024
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    JCT2024 Junior Member

  11. Milehog
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    ^^^ An 11' beam is going to have a lot of restrictions on trailering.
    Route choice, time of day, pilot cars, trip permits, etc.

    I suggest the reason you don't find anything that matches your SOR is because it is not reasonable.
    A valuable education opportunity would be to find a trailerable boat with twin inboard or inboard-outboards and volunteer to change out the starter, accessory drive belts and other common maintenance points.
    fallguy likes this.
  12. JCT2024
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    JCT2024 Junior Member

    Once it is built, I just want to get it a couple of hundred miles from my shop to the Gulf of Mexico where it will stay forever, without having to hire a crane and a semi-truck. All down 1 state, so if I need a one-time $250 one day permit to haul something that is between `8.5 and `12 I don't think it will break me. Just looking for plans. If no one knows of any, that is fine, I haven't found any either. I have a kit car I work on too and this reminds me of those forums, if anyone ever asks anything, they get 20 questions and no answers; "Why do you want a V8, why not a v6? Why do you want a red car, why not something more unique? Why do you want power steering, why not keep it original?" It reminds me of a FB post where a woman I knew asked if anyone could recommend a type of reliable 4 door car, that could be bought for less than $10,000 with under 100,000 miles for her teen son. And she got 30 men asking "Why don't you get him a truck? Is he prepared to work on his own car? Anything that cheap with that many miles isn't likely to be reliable. Do you really think a teen boy wants a 4-door car, when I was young..." and on and on. Finally, I sent her 3 examples and she replied, "THANK YOU!!!!"
  13. container
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    container Junior Member

    What about a dan leech design 8.5m powercat? Plywood construction, comes in a full cnc cut kit, trailerable, about as much interior volume as a 10+ meter monohull, hydrofoil assisted for fuel efficiency and seakeeping, and a huge cockpit

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  14. Milehog
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    The more you do to clarify your requirements the better responses you will get.
    A trailerable boat strongly suggests to most people an 8' 6" max beam. Not till post #12 did you provide clarification.
    But go ahead and condemn forums in general.

  15. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Nobody cares about the starters, oil filters and spark plug changes that need access apart from the person doing it. I have spent hours changing starters on twin inboards in smallish boats. It is a job requiring four hands with space for half a hand of standard male size.
    Milehog likes this.
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