Help Finding plans for my dreamtri.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by neptunkryssare, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. neptunkryssare
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    I have on spent long time to find plans for a good trimaran.
    I have theese wishes to be fullfilled before i decide to go ahead building.

    1. I want it to be a small boat.
    2. I want it to have a cabin just enough for two persons to sleep in with
    some luggage or four persons with extremely lightweight luggage.
    3. I want it to be fast.
    4. I want it to be as easy to build as possible. If possible to build in plywood
    without it being to heavy - then i think it should be the easiest for me as i
    am complete beginner.
    I more want a racing tri than a 'boat on training wheels'

    The closest to my dreams that i have found which have plans is chief's tridaka rider , but it is a little to small to me (no cabin for two), and i don't think it should be that fast.

    Maybe i start with it to get experience, but it should not be my very first choice.

    The closest to my dreams all over is ozone/ozone2 - but i don't think that there is any plans out for it.
    I have mailed them asking for plans, but didn't get any answer.

    Mayb it's possible to build a ozone alike from used hobie cat hulls.?
  2. Raggi_Thor
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    Raggi_Thor Nav.arch/Designer/Builder

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  3. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    Thank you for the answer.
    It looks nice, a nice little camper.
    I watched the videos which are linked to from that side, and it seems to be quite fast.

    But i really looking for something that's a little more like a racer.

    Anyone that's want to get involved in such a project.? I can pay for the planes if someone have time and knowledge to create them.

    Is it a very bad ide to form the mainhull after the akas and just make it a little wider.?
  4. Raggi_Thor
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    Raggi_Thor Nav.arch/Designer/Builder

    You mean the same length as the akas, just wider?
  5. Chris Ostlind

    Chris Ostlind Previous Member

    Hi Peter,

    Perhaps this design takes you to the place you would like to go?

    This particular boat is 21' in length, has plenty of space inside the cabin for two adults to overnight, an aft storage compartment and a comfortable cockpit with large side trampoline surfaces.

    It is designed to be built in marine plywood with stitch and glue techniques using epoxy and fiberglass cloth. The amas are demountable and light enough that one person can easily perform the task on the launch ramp.

    The boat is shown with an easily stepped yawl rig in the renderings, but it could also be equipped with a Marconi style rig, should you prefer that approach.

    You may contact me directly at: if you would like to discuss the design in more detail.

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  6. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

  7. bob the builder
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    bob the builder novice

    i can help!

    I have on spent long time pondering tri marans, and have come to the conclusion that they are brilliant!

    as long as you make one tiny modification.

    just loose the middle hull completely.

    leave everything exactly the same, and loose the middle hull.

    let me know if i helped!
  8. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    The size seems right to me, still its not as close the ozone boat that i'm dying for.
  9. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    My english is not perfect. Do you mean that i should build a catamaran insted.?
  10. Chris Ostlind

    Chris Ostlind Previous Member

    So, accomodations are secondary as long as you get the performance?

    OK, so, how about this one, then?

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  11. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    Yes, as long as there are place to sleep a few nights for two with some baggage, or atleast three with minimal baggage.

    That boat looks very good.
    Is there centerboards.? Where are they centerboards placed, in the mainhull or in the sidehulls.?
    Can it lift one hull with the centerboard as foil.?
    Would it be able to fly the mainhull.?
  12. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    Stupid me didn't look close to the pictures, now i see the centerboard in the mainhull.
    I like this boat. it's pretty close to what i want.
  13. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    Today Derick Reynolds Wrote to me telling there is no buildin plans available

    But he told me there is line plans.

    Is there any possibility to create a building plan from these.? (of course i will ask Derick about permission for that)...

    If that possible, then i will go for that.
    Also, the boat Chris designed seems as a pretty good choice.
  14. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Ozone wasn't that fast or successful a boat. I know Derek well as he was the originator of Palamos Boatbuild and built the first few Striders before moving on to other things.

    You say you are a beginner, presuambly only at boatbuilding as I assume you are already an experienced multihull racer

    I would suggest you contact Martin Schoon, now in Goteberg who is one of the most experienced small multihull sailors in Sweden. He has sailed a Tennant Spyder catamaran for over 20 years.

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

  15. neptunkryssare
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    neptunkryssare Peter

    I say thank you for that tips, and also thank you for that compliment.

    To be honest, i must admit that i am not an experienced multihull racer.

    I am not even an experienced sailor.

    Between when i was nine and fourteen i sailed a few dingys all summer long.

    Since that i have been off boat the most part of my adult life (i am 44 now). I have had boats the last five-six years and not sailed them as much that in really want to.

    For every boat i got i feel so disappointed when i realize how slow they are.
    Therefore i have felt the need for a trimaran so i can get the speed and the thrill that i so far only can imagine of sitting on a hull while the boat bunce in the waves.

    I need to build it myself because of economical reasons, and it must be easy because i don't want to spend to much time building it and it must be pretty fast.

    So i have spent a few months (literally) to pick up whats essential in the multihull world. except the math. All that for the reason that i should got a boat that keeps me (quite) satisfied for a couple of years.

    I am grateful for all the tips and ideas that can led to that i finally begin building a great tri.

    So the Ozone is not a very fast boat. ok now i know that, but all the rest with it seems pretty right. Now i just need to find a faster tri that follow the same concept and have a small or tiny cabin. Plus that i need plans for it.
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