Height placement of Mercury 200 outboard on 24’ tritoon

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by Lee Tierney, Aug 3, 2023.

  1. Lee Tierney
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    Lee Tierney New Member

    This is my first time posting in the forum. I am trying to determine the proper height placement of my mercury 200 4 stroke outboard motor on my 24 foot tritoon boat. It was originally used on a river, and the motor was placed very high. I did have the engine lowered once last year, but I am still having problems with cavitation when I am cornering at higher speeds when towing the kids on the tube. I have purchased a new stainless propeller that I have not installed yet. I was told that the old aluminum prop was for rivers. The old aluminum prop has flat blades. The new stainless steel one has curved blades that is supposed to help with the cavitation. Does anyone have pictures that shows the correct water level on the motor? Thanks!
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Lee.

    Can you post a photo or two of your tritoon for reference, along with a photo (or two) showing the current height of the engine in relation to the hulls?
    If you cannot post photos yet, you could email them to me and I will post them - please advise if this is the case, and I will post my email address for you.
  3. Lee Tierney
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    Lee Tierney New Member

    Thanks, I will take photos this weekend when I am up at the lake. The boat is in the water all summer. June through the second week of September. Montana has a short season.
  4. Lee Tierney
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    Lee Tierney New Member

    Here are some photos of the current motor placement.

    Attached Files:

  5. Lee Tierney
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    Lee Tierney New Member

    Bajansailor, any recommendations on motor height placement based on my pictures? Thanks,
  6. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I am afraid that I am no expert on motor height placement - I just know how to ask questions in the hope that others with more knowledge than me will offer an opinion or two.
    Folk like @fallguy, @gonzo and @baeckmo perhaps?

    Do you have any photos showing the engine on the boat when out of the water?

  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I would say it is normal behavior for a pontoon boat turning at high speed. It will slide and create a lot of turbulence, most likely ventilating the propeller.
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