Heeling Angles for Small Trimarans Under 20’ 0” LOA

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by joz, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. joz
    Joined: Jul 2002
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    joz Senior Member

    Would designers/builders (or anyone else knows) list their trimarans heeling angle for up to 30 knot wind speed for their boats from 12’ 0” to 20’ 0” (for all points of sailing excluding down wind run and pointing into the wind when the trimaran will be upright position) so potential clients can choose the type of boat that meets their heeling tendencies.

    Here are some boats that come to mind

    Scarab 350 (12’ 0”)
    Asus 14.1
    Gnat (14’ 0”)
    Sea Strike 15
    Asus 16.1
    Kurt Hughes 16' Trimaran
    Scarab 16
    Sea Strike 16
    W-17 (17’ 0”)
    Asus 18.1
    Cross 18
    Magnum 18
    Sailbird 18
    Scarab 18
    Tri-Star 18
    Access 6
    Searail 19
    Trikala 19
    Asus 20.1
    Europa 20
    Seaclipper 20

    Here are some attachments to get an idea on what I mean

    Attached Files:

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  3. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    On most multihulls under 35ft, and especially the ones that interest you, crew weight and placement makes a huge difference.

    So if you hike hard with a full crew you can heel to windward in many conditions. It's a good idea to have the outriggers kissing the surface to minimise drag. Probably windward heel is better than heeling to lee

    That doesn't answer your question though, because it "all depends" but maybe you can say why you asked it?

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

  4. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    I agree with what RW said, we can sail our 23 dead level in some situation, just by running a person out into the wind, or as he says actually heeled into the wind. Kinda like having one's own Ocean Surfer.

    My sense on smaller boats, is they tend to be narrow, have high placed amas, and heel a lot. If you are against that kind of thing, look at a Hughes. Also, you could play with it on a Hughes by just extending the tubes. Some of his boats are square. I am not necessaries advocating this, just saying he tends in that direction.

    I remember when it first hit me that mutis did not always heel much, I was disappointed, wanted to heel as bikes do, vs trikes.
  5. joz
    Joined: Jul 2002
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    joz Senior Member

    Richard, Thanks for your reply sorry for the long delay in replying.

    At the sailing club that I am at there are some members that are looking into the concept of owning and sailing their own trimaran, possibly me included. However some of us are not young men anymore or skinny lol and is looking at boats that heel less than the monohulls that is currently being sailed (5 to 10 degrees on all points of sail and preferably to stay inside the main hull rather than going to the outside hulls) and also to either build or buy (preferably build and maintain and easy to sail)

    The wind conditions that we get is from 5 to 25 knots and rare occasions 30 knots but our main conditions that we sail in is between 5 to 20 knots and that’s up to each individual sailor.

    Q. Also does by having a longer outer hulls provide more stability overall (less heeling) as apposed to shorter hulls?

    Q. Does it pay to have some sort of curved daggerboard or some sort of curved fixed keel like you see on some other boat to be able to reduce the heeling or not on the outer hulls, or does the outer hulls have to be angled to make it more stable?

  6. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

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