Hatch/door Coaming Sill Height

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by saeedfa, May 18, 2022.

  1. saeedfa
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    saeedfa Junior Member

    what is the minimum hatch/ door sill height based on ICLL?
    in ICLL it divide the hatches/doors to Position 1 and 2, but its hard for me to understand below explanation! i cant understand for example in my vessel which of the hatches/doors belong to pos 1 and 2. (ICLL: international convention on load lines)
    could you please some one help me to understand below 5 hatches/doors, which of them are pos 1 or 2? (for pos 1, we should have minimum 600mm sill height but for pos 2 we should have minimum 380 mm sill height/coaming height)



  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Everything is Position 1 except those doors (and scuttles or vents)in the superstructure above the freeboard deck and aft of a point 25% L back from the FP. Everything shown is Position 1 because they are on the freeboard deck.

    Edit: added scuttles and vents that could also be above the freeboard deck and aft of the 25% length point.

    Added note: Raised quarter decks are becoming a thing of the past like tonnage openings and shelter decks, but typically they were the freeboard deck when fitted which is why they are included as Position 1. The Foc'sle falls under the superstructure forward of 25% L so is always Position 1.
    Last edited: May 18, 2022
    saeedfa and fallguy like this.
  3. saeedfa
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    saeedfa Junior Member

    thanks for your description,
    there are 3 hatches on main deck (green color) with coaming, but i don't know what should be the coaming height for these 3 hatches. based on your description, because they are on main deck (freeboard deck), they will be in Pos 1, so will have minimum 600mm sill height. correct? (but they are abaft of 25% length!)

    there are 2 watertight doors in superstructure, but they situation is completely different, see below description, then please clarify the position number for each of them:
    Door A: its abaft of 25% length, also this door is the entrance for genset space, without any access to below main deck. now you think it should be pos 1 or 2?
    Door B: its fore of 25% length, also this door is the entrance of wheel house and have a direct access to below main deck, (because of stair), now you think it should be pos 1 or 2?

    thanks in advance.

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  4. jehardiman
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Everything in your drawing is ON the Freeboard Deck, everything is in Position 1.
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