Harley 42'

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Guest, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Swamplizard
    Joined: Jan 2004
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    Swamplizard Senior Member

    Sharper - those hatches look amazing! I am over in Pompano - looking to to a boat refresh on my 42. Would love to check yours out next time I am out your way!
  2. sharper
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    sharper Junior Member

  3. Swamplizard
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    Swamplizard Senior Member

    Yum = looks great! My main hatch is 3 layers of plywood with glass - took three 250-guys to put it on the boat ... seems like a ridiculous amount of weight for a hatch.... would love to redo both front and rear hatches this year - and I love that you phased out the two fish wells in the back!
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    ESTYHIX New Member

    Any Harley Guys left? I'm still trudging along!!



    Steve H
  5. Swamplizard
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    Swamplizard Senior Member

    yup - still here.

    My 88 harley is now powered with Merc 496HOs that are EFI. Still messing with props but getting close. Now I have to start spending/working on glass work, enclosure, paint, and update A/C. Never ends ;-)
    fpjeepy05 likes this.
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    ESTYHIX New Member

    Great to hear! Hopefully they are runnning good for you! Ive always wanted to get my boat down that way. But, it seems that I always plan for next year! So, maybe next year! LOL

    I replaced both shortblocks after a piston broke last summer. Installed GM crate ZZ502s. Running good now.

    What props are you looking for? I still have a few sitting around that might be worth a try.

    Let me know!

    Pizzacutter: You still have your Harley?

    Steve H
  7. Swamplizard
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    Swamplizard Senior Member

    been running a pair of 3 blade high rake rollas - they are doing well but am waiting for a tune up this week as one of the "hubs" wont let the prop sit all the way onto the arneson shaft. They are also going to cup the props a little based on RPM/MPH I shared with them. Will see.

    Glad to hear another Harley is still in the water. They are cool boats - weird build quality above the hull but cool and they run pretty well.

    BTW Pizza's looks amazing, new windshield, hardtop, paint, and he added a bow thruster a while back. SWEET!
  8. Swamplizard
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    Swamplizard Senior Member

    Now if I could only convince Sharper to come over to my side of FL and help fix my glassing challenges. ;-)

  9. pizzacutter
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    pizzacutter Senior Member

    Sorry I have not posted lately. shame on me. There are only a few of us left and we should stay connected. Thx to Sharper for all his awesome posts and dropbox additions.
    some of the best work ive seen outside of a high end custom builder. Glad he is sticking with Cat 3126 X 420HP. Mine have been so good over 20+ years. Still getting me a
    seasonal average of 1 KMPG with very little $$ on maintenance & repairs.
    Prety sure I have posted the new windshield & hardtop, but Ill post a couple more. We have added some nice canvas improvements lately. 3 rear choices, clear enclosed with zippered door,
    Sunfly for lounging in cock pit, and Aftfly for dockage (this one has "triangles" on each side to make it dry even in stormy wx). We also added 3 sides of privacy mesh. This stuff is great when
    living aboard. She has been painted all over in 2 phases (above/below rubrail) over last 2 years. Seats and coaming have been done too, along with new paint in cockpit.
    Another great addition was a custom mattress between 2 Fwd sofas. This is so comfy & closer to the head!. Trailer has gotten new axles/brakes/springs, etc and a 1200 lb power jack,
    now that my back is already ruined. Lots of other small stuff that I cant remember, but we are using her often. almost 100 hours this year so far and more trips planned .
    Hope to see more pics from you guys. I'll ne in Fla this winter, so maybe look up Sharper and Swampy.

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