Harley 42'

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Guest, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. buckknekkid
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    buckknekkid Senior Member

    just send me over that little shrink wrapped package and I'll send you a slightly used Onan 6.5 and the title to a bridge in NY.:D Looks really neat and clean in the rigging dept.
  2. martin@kroesche
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    martin@kroesche Junior Member

    46 Harley

    Thanks for the comment. Later on I am going to attach photos the two pallets of junk that came out of the engine room and was not necessary. We are spending a lot of time and effort but I think at the end of the day it will be worth it. Thanks Again Martin
  3. buckknekkid
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    buckknekkid Senior Member


    I just took three truckloads in my Suburban, Sometimes it seems like buying a new hull is a lot easier. we were building center consoles in the 90's in less time than it took to refit the cockpit of my trojan

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  4. martin@kroesche
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    martin@kroesche Junior Member

    Harley 46

    Here are some updated pictures of the project. We are going to splash tomorrow for an initial run. We are still rigging. I have added electronics and numerous other items to update. I am attaching a side view, the new helm and the drives. I will have a final set of the boat, interior as well in the next couple weeks.



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  5. buckknekkid
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    buckknekkid Senior Member

    two words

    Bloody Gorgeous, :D
  6. john2153
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    john2153 New Member

    looking forward to pictures of the motors, gen, and rigging, so far was such an improvment over the factory setup. Guess its fishing time soon. Just got a 27 ft Donzi CC, and now ready to start my fishing boat....John
  7. martin@kroesche
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    martin@kroesche Junior Member

    46 Harley

    Here are some updated pictures. One is the profile of the boat at the shop, another at a South Padre Island Fishing Tournament, resting at a rent house after a day of fishing. Engine Room, logos and a picture of a rooster tail. Look in the backgound and you can see the boats I was passing up. I passed 28 boats on the way in from 40miles out.

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  8. martin@kroesche
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    martin@kroesche Junior Member

    46 Harley

    Here a few more pics.

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  9. buckknekkid
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    buckknekkid Senior Member

    YOURE BREAKIN MY HEART!!!! A ll I stared at today was a school of Carp. I didnt even bother to put the lines in.:cool:
  10. martin@kroesche
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    martin@kroesche Junior Member

    46 Harley

    Sorry to break your heart...I'm glad you like the pics. People who don't fish here (in Texas) have no idea the caliber of fishing we have....all the bills, dorado, wahoo, all the rig species, black and yellowfin tuna, etc..... We have had extremely successful trips over the last year and caught a released a 500 lb blue earlier in the year. I noticed you are close to Pompano Beach Florida so im not feeling to sorry for you! Regards Martin
  11. buckknekkid
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    buckknekkid Senior Member

    florida is gettting fished out
  12. Steve H
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    Steve H Senior Member


    Congratulations on finally splashing your boat. Looks like you are getting your moneys worth already.

    What kind of numbers are you getting?

    Dying to know.

  13. martin@kroesche
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    martin@kroesche Junior Member

    46 Harley

    There you are! Well, the numbers are not what I wanted or expected but I'm not done. As with everything I do in life I over anticipated the good! While the numbers are good, I am going to improve them this winter. I have a top seppd of 40 knots and a cruise of 36 knots. I am burning 1.0 to 1.2 mpg. The problem I have is the propellers. I am going to take the boat to Florida this January and have a professional shop build a set for this application. I am not turning enough RPM's and loading the engines at cruise. I have done all I can do locally. I need a set of 4/5 blade cleavers. My understanding is unloading the props at cruise will significantly decrease my fuel burn and allow me to develop full RPM's increasing my top end. My modified goals are now;
    45 knots top end, 38 knot cruise 1.5 mpg. Keeping in mind this is a 47'loa boat with a tower, outriggers, fighting chair, full set of curtains and lots of additional gear. Thanks for the post and ill keep you updated. By the way
    last Sunday we caught a blue Marlin offshore of Padre Island. There still out there. Take Care Steve. Martin

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  14. Steve H
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    Steve H Senior Member

    Awsome stuff you got going. What props are you running now? I think those engines should spin up to 2800? What is your current weight? Gear ratio? I am not a diesel expert, but I do know that diesels hate being overloaded. Even more so than a gas engine.

    Beautiful place to rent, where is that at? I wouldn't mind dragging my big turd down your way for a month of fishing. My wife might even come if I have a decent place to stay.

    Steve Hixson

  15. pizzacutter
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    pizzacutter Senior Member

    Harley 42

    glad to see that there are a few out there who fish the old harleys. we have a 1987 42' that gets a lot of fish time in maryland and florida. with the right modifications it makes for a great fishing machine and can get to & from the canyons faster than most. we use caterpillar 3126ta (420hp) with arneson #8drives, gear ratio is 1.15 to 1. top speed is about 45 knots (2850rpm) & cruise is about 38 knots (2300rpm). what is the rpms on the yanmar engines?
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