Harbour Wing sail design concept.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by oceancruiser, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

  2. 2far2drive
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    They purchased a boat from a buddy of seastallion and me.

    A contour 50 from Galveston bay. I have some great memories of that boat!

    I think they just had a recent covershot on multihulls mag?
  3. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Which multihull mag.

    Tried Multihull world. No luck

    Did you take any photos. Surely you did.
  4. 2far2drive
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    I don't have any shots personally from when I crewed about 3 or 4 times... but I rounded up these of the boat. name was Renegade





  5. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Thanks 2far2drive.

    Interesting. Also I'm wondering y none on these Photos are on their Web site or any mention about it or their sail testing / trial. The Photo also tied at wharf and not actually sailing.


  6. 2far2drive
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    who knows... I think it looks horrendous anyways so the less pictures of the bastardization of a semi rare cruising trimaran the better :rolleyes:

    shame my buddy had to sell her but the owning/operating costs were literally insane. all the times I went out on that boat, something broke. Core of the main halyard let go once while doing 14kts across the bay, sounded like a gun went off. Then a 150lb mainsail started coming down as the core slid through the clutches on the mast. 2,000 USD to replace that halyard.

    But overall, it was a fun boat.

    They won the Harvest Moon Regatta one year, shooting through Port Aransas channel at 18+kts with a spin up. Couple of months later, race committee took the award away, said another multi won on adjusted time :(
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