Handy Billy 21 launch.

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Hampton Roads, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Hampton Roads
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    Hi I'm new here and thought I'd post a few pictures of the Harry Bryan "Handy Billy" 21 ' Launch that my father is finishing off for me at the moment.

    It differs from the original in that it has a lightweight cabin inspired by Maynard Bray's Handy Billy as seen in an issue of Woodenboat.

    I won't be long before she's finished now!:D

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  2. Pjitty
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    Pjitty Junior Member

    Nice boat, your father is doing a great job on that thing. Good Luck and enjoy...

    Joe D
  3. Wayne Grabow
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    Wayne Grabow Senior Member

    keep us up to date. I like that cabin; it adds character.
  4. Hampton Roads
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    I'll post more pictures when she's finished, thanks for the compliments.
  5. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Good looking boat
  6. Hampton Roads
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    Here are a few more pictures, not much left to do apart from a few minor details and continue to save for the engine and trailer! 14042012586.jpg

    HB inside cab.jpg

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  7. Hampton Roads
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    And some more pictures!

    From all the comments we've had about her shape and how she's reported to handle chop, the Handy Billy will be a great boat for the Southern Tasmanian waters where I live.

    I'm generalising but it seems that there are only two water conditions here: smooth calm and nasty chop, especially choppy on warm summer afternoons.We have more rough weather than calm so this boat will be really suitable for most conditions. I'm hoping it will put to shame all these over-powered, mass-produced re-cycled beer can boats the average "Sports Ocker-gint":mad::rolleyes::( of the great Australian cutural degradation use and abuse noisily and oafishly every weekend in aimless pursuit of speed (lack of it in steep chop due to poor hull shape).

    This craft won't be excessivly fast, maybe about 15 knots top speed ....but most importantly it is supposed to maintain this speed in most sea conditions( Not extreme, I would assume, but I'd not really like to be out in extreme sea conditions in a 21' boat!!) when the vile ocker craft are sludging along at 4 knots pounding their backsides off and vommitting all that beer consumed over the side.:rolleyes::)

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  8. Hampton Roads
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    The power for this boat will be an economical 25 HP outboard in a sound proofed well, so hopefully at cruising speed she'll be almost sailing boat quiet!? as opposed to some vulgar Australian Sports- ocker blasting around with a 200HP outboard powered boat creating lots of noise and wash while he...its generally always the man-ocker that drives with a beercan in hand figuratively masturbates to the public about his pride and joy that's really inefficient and is costing him about $100+ per hour to run!!:eek::mad::!::!::!:;):rolleyes: They seem like a herd of mindless animals at the rut all these Ocker-powerboaters!!!:D I suppose there are some exceptions, but it seems that to a certain extent that the larger the engine, the bigger the ****** and less the brain!:idea::rolleyes::cool::p The smilies have gone beserk ...just like the average Australian boating Sports-Ocker on a hot summer afternoon with a gut-full of cheap lager and and overpowered outboard engine on a 6M ******'s craft aurally enlarging his flawed ego by the size of his wake and irresponsibility!!:confused::eek::mad::D
  9. Hampton Roads
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    The comments I've made about a certain sector of the Australian boating public are valid and are a summary of observations of nearly 30 years of boating experience.

    Blasting about at high speeds may initially be fun, but after about half an hour boredom settles in, well for me anyway! Low powered, efficient(relatively) powerboats are the way to go for the future. My next boat will be a rowing boat and after that hopefully a moderately large (about 33') sailing boat.
  10. Hampton Roads
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    Don't ask me what I think of the excessive number of cars and trucks on the road, absurdly large engines for a 110km speed limit etc :D:rolleyes:;):eek::!:
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Hey Hampton, ease up on the speed freaks, they may have a long trip to the fishing grounds, and want to increase the time actually spent fishing ! :D
  12. Hampton Roads
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    Hampton Roads Junior Member

    I'm talking about the idiots who zoom around mindlessly, back and forth, up and down the estuary, close to the shore and swimmers and shore fishers, disregarding slower boats such as kayaks, canoes and small sailing boats!

    Getting to and from a distant fishing ground at speed is OK, its just unfortunate now that you have to go further to sea to catch decent fish. Things have changed in 35 years!:eek:
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  13. HuonJono
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    HuonJono New Member

    How's she perform in Tassie?

    I was wandering how your Handy Billy performed down here in Tassie? I am considering building one over here in Franklin for use around the Huon and Channel areas and perhaps down Dover way and beyond.
    If I'm correct you recently had it advertised for sale so I am guessing you no longer have her.
    Any input would be appreciated.

  14. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Yeah, don't know what happened, maybe it was sliced in half by one of the beer-swilling speed maniacs in a gazillion horsepower pose machine !
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