Half Ton Class Blueprint/Plan

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by jonmarron, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. jonmarron
    Joined: Feb 2015
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    jonmarron New Member

    Hey Mates!
    I am new in this forum, and I wanted to ask you all a question. My dad owns a Half Ton, and I would like to make him a little booklet about it. I need for that a plan or blueprint so I can change it a little and make it look like his.

    Do you guys know where I can find it? I've been looking for ages but didn't find anything!

    Thanks a million!!
  2. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    There were dozens of half ton designs, ranging from about 1966 to about 1995 (?), from steel to carbon, and from 27' to 33', so you'll have to give us some more information. :)

    What design? Have you checked the Half Ton Europe site?
  3. jonmarron
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    jonmarron New Member

    I think its an "apple" model, 30' long and made of aluminium with magnesium.
    I attach a photo to this post of the boat itself. Sorry I can't tell you more and thank you for your help!


    Attached Files:

  4. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    It's a custom version of the design sold as the Nicholson Half Ton. There's some drawings of the Nicholson at

    http://www.histoiredeshalfs.com/Holland Pub Nicholson 30.htm

    The drawing hasn't got the stern of the Nicholson or your boat quite right - the real boats had more curve in the profile rather than a straight link with a kink. The rest of it looks pretty close.
  5. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Thanks for posting that CT249...... What a terrific resource, so many boats in the list.
    I have a Carter 33, I read somewhere that they possibly rated as a half tonner? with the rig. Great boat though, just wants to sail... even at the mooring with no gear up!

  6. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    There were some Carter 33 half tonners, but there's only one of them in Oz (Skylark, a lovely custom built wooden version) and the other 33s here are 3/4 tonners. Lovely boats.

    Overseas there were a bunch of production Carter 33 half tonners, as well as (IIRC) Carter 33 3/4 tonners, Carter 34 3/4 tonners, and Carter Ragtime 3/4 tonners.... all a bit confusing.
  7. jonmarron
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    jonmarron New Member

    Thank you CT249!
    I guess that will do! I found that one yesterday among others, and it was the closest one. only the stern was making me doubt. but now I know, thank you!
    Once I finish the booklet I will post it here so you guys can have a look and give me feedback if you want!

    Thanks a million!

  8. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Thanks CT249, mine is a Greek built Olympic, all working but a bit worn, gradually taking one or two small jobs off at a time & putting back before taking more... last thing I want is a boat in pieces. Mine came with heaps of sails- lots of light weather extras, leaving most at home & just main & headsail to furler for space on board for present, First time I put the main up seemed tiny!

  9. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Ahh, hang on - if yours is the Olympic one it may well be the half tonner, and now I recall seeing a dark green Half-Ton 33 around somewhere; I forgot about that. I'll do some checking later - the Carter thread on SA may have pics.

  10. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    She was green at one stage, now white with a green stripe. I googled her name "Desanna" & some involvement came up around CYCA in mid 2000s. She "may" have been local around Georges/Botany bay- Port Hacking, some rumour had her in Singapore or similar Asian city.... maybe that's how she got to Oz?

    Using as a "weekender" about every other week, keen to get some small stuff sorted & comfy, has a coat of old enamel in lockers etc & has internal boatdruff as it's peely, getting through that & some decade or two of grime as well as some new lines etc etc.

    Great layout & space & awesome value.... if I don't get carried away!

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