hainnes hunter v ?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by zaxis, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. zaxis
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    zaxis New Member

    last summer i brought my first boat. 6 months looking on trade me. budget $10,000 dollers. wanting a all round boat for sking, stable for fishing,my first chooses seemed too small.i was taken by a older hainnes hunter fantastic lines travelled the 2 hour drive offered $9,400 drove her home great day.it has older 120hp evenrude moter needs pe mixed runs strong. im not sure of year or if she is v16r or v17 not that it really matters as im very happy but would be nice to know.

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  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Definitely not the V17, looks like the V16R to me.
  3. zaxis
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    zaxis New Member

    cheers for that,any guess at the year.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Latish 70's at the earliest, not sure when they stopped making them, possibly late 80's.
  5. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    Yep - agreed, definitely V16R. The 17 was narrower and with deeper V.
    The bracket is a "new" addition....
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  6. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    would have thought the 16 would be 16 ft and the 17 would be 17 ft.
  7. triman692003
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    triman692003 Junior Member

    Are you sure it's a Haines Hunter? Looking around a couple of Oz sites the V16R and V17R both had distinctly rounded tops to the windscreen and none had the donk mounted on a pod.
    Apart from sterndrive removal and fitting an outboard on a pod, why else would one be fitted?
  8. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    definately a haines, the decks changed shape a few times because the hulls were built over many years. the pod is an aftermarket job which is done a lot on those old haines hunters to increase cockpit room . if you read the ausfish forums there have been quite a few haines resto's on there. usually converted to bream boats. most of them get a pod fitted.
  9. triman692003
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    triman692003 Junior Member

    Cheers Whitepointer
  10. zaxis
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    zaxis New Member

    thanks for replys as post show its slightly hard to pin down age identity the pod/bracket makes her stern heavy but the power of motor works well cant wait to get out on the water. not this weekend snow forcast.
  11. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    great boat I owned one recently ..until the purchaser dropped it from a fork lift ..if you need to know anything let me know..if it still has the origingal rego number you will be able to tell/get info from transport dept on its age.

    The motor seems to be on a bracket at the back which is not normal V16R ....it normally had a standard transom ..so maybe someone re built a rotten transom...below is a genuine /original V16R

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  12. zaxis
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    zaxis New Member

    thanks pistnbroke for your input thats a very nice example,and a great name for a boat.i would love to get sun cover like the above v16r.My boat trailer has been re registered so only have records back to 2004 this may be year it was imported not sure. the bracket is a mystery guess it was orginally for diving.Think i got some classic boating for my money,while out in the summer lots of older boaties positive re older hainnes hunter.gives a lot more options than similar priced nz boats eg fireball.

  13. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    best mod is to the anchor well ..you can open it from over the screen and pull in the anchor ...have seen holes cut in the screen to do this !!! 45 litre tank under fore deck and filler to the starboard side ..blow up the picture using your % button bottom right and you will see the detail of how I did it.

    yes great name ,,fantastic when communicating with the coast guard ..I also have a dog called fokker .....here fokker you little fokker ....great in the park and at the vets.
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