
Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Robert Miller, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Robert Miller
    Joined: Dec 2003
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    Robert Miller Junior Member

    Regarding the simple Gypsy "Instant Boat" design by Payson/Bolger,
    Does anyone know the design sail area for this boat?
    Weight of hull/rigged?

    Thank you.
  2. Robert Miller
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    Robert Miller Junior Member

  3. Dutch Peter
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    Dutch Peter Senior Member

    I'm estimating 150 kg max. You can't lift it on your own,but moving it goes well
  4. Slowmo
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    Slowmo Junior Member

    Without rig?

  5. SeaDrive
    Joined: Feb 2004
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    SeaDrive Senior Member

    The sail is 64 sq ft according to Sailrite. I'm not sure their arithmetic exactly matches Bolger.

    I guess the hull weight at 150-200 lbs, but I don't actually know. it's a slightly heavy rowboat, but a very light sailboat. A lot of the owners have tried driving it hard in strong winds, apparently because it's a lot of fun to do so, but there have been more reports of broken masts than is usual with Bolger boats. Make sure your mast stock has good grain.
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