Gunboat International sues Chinese boatyard | Trade Only Today

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by brian eiland, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    The way the aussie dollar has fallen might make australia attractive to the luxury cruiser market. All you ever here about china is horror stories about quality and dishonesty.
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Pretty much my experience with China too, as I mentioned in the other thread. You can get good effort from them, but their culture is so distorted, that you have to nursemaid them every step of the way or they'll become Ferengi on 'ya.
  4. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    There seems to be two China's, my brother just returned from his 2nd trip there and he had a different story. Super modern and very organized.

    The real problem is really that everything is outsourced and the ability to make anything local gets lost, hence you become dependent on others to do everything. Apart from losing your own skills, you put yourself out of business due to shortsightedness and greed - to have something made cheap elsewhere so you alone can get more.
  5. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I wouldn't say there culture is so distorted, but rather just mostly uneducated in modern boatbuilding. They have an uneducated work force.

    In many cases this concerned me about building hi-tech composite boats in South Africa. I got the impression that many companies there hired on the cheap labor they could source from the revolving work force that migrated from company to company, hopefully gaining some knowledge about these materials and the special handling requirements.
  6. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    This might be quite a problem for the Gunboat, and the one which goes beyond the mere fact that Chinese boatbuilder has made a copy of their design. By filing the suit, they had to publicly admit that faulty boats have been built and delivered to the clients, something that would normally never go into the media.
    That, plus the fact that they cannot get their hands on molds and tooling, can cause a series of negative repercussions on the finances of the brand. It might trigger a period (a short one, hopefully) of sufferance for the brand.
  7. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    I think you will find the suit is smoke screen for another issue.
    HYM have not copied gunboats boats, they have a new range designed by M&M
    There is a trail of customers suing and bankrupt yards in the gunboat story
    If you look at the gunboat fleet only a few of each model ever get built....
    So I wonder who owns all the molds???
  8. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Speaking of lawsuits. How are vw going to handle getting caught putting software in 11 million cars that overides emission controls to increase power. A motoring expert on the radio today said the 10 billion vw have allowed to fix the problem is only a fraction of the cost because when the cars power is reduced by making the emission controls work there will be 11 million customers who the have legal right to demand their money back because that is not the car they were sold.
  9. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    You hit the nail on the head there
    then greenpeace blockading their factories
    governments suing them
    geez its gunna be big
    Did anyone mention Germans and poisonous gas yet?
    I wonder if VW marine engines are EU/EPA compliant?
    We need a new thread but under what heading?
  10. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Don't MerCruiser use vw diesels. It sort of relates to boats. On the news just before they were saying vw are worried about 250000 employees keeping their jobs so this may turn into the corporate scandal of the century. We trust the figures quoted by manufacturers as gospal. Are the other car manufacturers misleading us too.
  11. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    Sure do
    Cummins got a fine per engine the other day for a cock up with emissions.
    The EPA can levy really harsh penalties if they want to
    Tony Hayward is taking over as CEO at VW
  12. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    The thing with VW grows even bigger if you consider that many states have a road tax based on engine displacement and power output. It means that if the engine should be rated to lower power due to emission limitations, the relative road tax should be lower too. So the road-tax calculations are all wrong now, and people have payed more than was due. That sounds like a major tax fraud by VW owners, though unwilling.

    Fire will be coming from every corner at the VW, both from privates and from governments. A shelling that would sink the Bismarck battleship. I wouldn't like to be a VW shareholder these days.
  13. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    The ceo didn't hang around long. Gone already.
  14. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    its a German thing, when I worked for a German investment bank I lost count of how fast they went as one cock up after another, that generally had nothing to do with the boss.
    I'll start a new thread as I have some interesting stuff from the SAE site.
    In propulsion

  15. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    good breeze on lago de Garda yesterday.
    cold air coming from Germany,lol
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