Grounding/Earth Wire Or Strap ? Cant see where the loose end fixes to MC1 Mercruiser

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by mikealston2428, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. mikealston2428
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It goes to the transom shield.
  3. mikealston2428
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

    Thanks Gonzo,

    I will have a look tonight after work

  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can pull on the cable, and the hole for the screw should be within reach. Sometimes the screw was broken. It is a ground cable to connect all the parts to the anode protection. It is not critical to where you connect it, as long as there is continuity.
  5. mikealston2428
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

    Hi Gonzo,
    Fantastic help
    Ill let you know how I go

  6. mikealston2428
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

    Are there any other continuity wires that need to be connected in this area to complete the circuit

    Ive had a quick look online at a few pics and seems to be more wires to complete the circuit

  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    There is one on the inside of the transom shield that is similar and usually goes to a stud on the bellhousing. The outdrive is connected to ground through the lower starboard stud. Do not use an extra washer on it. The riveted permanent washer should be clean to provide a good ground.
  8. mikealston2428
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

    Hi Gonzo,
    Ive had a really good look at the transom plate and can't see anywhere this wire would go
    Sorry to be a pain but could you provide photos or images showing these connections for MC1
    Ive searched the internet but not having any luck


  9. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Sorry, I don't have photos.
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