Graphics embedded within gelcoat

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 30 foot gig, Dec 6, 2024.

  1. 30 foot gig
    Joined: Nov 2013
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    30 foot gig Junior Member

    I've seen a few boats with graphics and lettering that are part of the gelcoat. That seems like a neat idea because an embedded graphic is smooth, it can't be peeled off and it can't really be painted over (good for security). Also, they they can be done in metalflake/ glitter using "polyester jewels" mixed into a clear gelcoat, if you like glitter.

    I suppose there's always the option of applying single-color contrasting gelcoat, or polyester jewels in clear gelcoat, using letter stencils or shape stencils (stars, simple flowers, logos) but it'd be tough to get perfect edges.

    What I'm wondering is, does anybody make seriously durable decals on transfer paper, that can be applied to the mold surface so that they become a permanent part of the gelcoat. And if so, is there a name for this kind of product, to use as a search keyword?

    Or is it quick and easy to do this in yourself, by painting or printing a design onto transfer paper, letting it cure, and then applying it (somehow) to the mold surface before applying the gelcoat? Or by Again, a few technical names for search keywords would be a big help!

    STOP PRESS - before posting this I had a moment of inspiration which led me to the surfboard builders' technique of inkjet printing a design onto rice paper, or having a design company print onto fiberglass reinforcement (a "lam"), to apply under a clear gelcoat, so maybe I don't need an answer to my questions but I thought I'd post this anyway

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  2. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Any graphic in the gelcoat will greatly increase the difficulty and thus the cost of repair
    ondarvr likes this.
  3. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Given a choice between repairing graphics or repairing a nonslip texture,I'd take graphics every time.

  4. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Embedded printed graphics are very difficult to repair, if they can be at all. Simple stripes, patterns or other shapes that are done with masking or stencils can be done with varying degrees of difficulty, but successfully. Add in clears and metal flake or metallics and the difficulty goes up considerably.
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