Grain Stability in Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Software' started by pavel915, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. pavel915
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    I am trying to make grain stability booklet in maxsurf, it has built in criteria for IMO 23(59) but I have put the volumetric Heeling moment manually there. So now how can I calculate the Volumetric Heeling moment?
    Can Maxsurf do that?
    If not then how can I calculate that manually?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not know if Maxsurf does the whole study. What you can get with Maxsurf is the curve of the GZ values for a certain load condition. Then you need to calculate, for each heeling angle, the inclination of the grain in each hold, its center of gravity and, with it, the value of the heeling arm (heeling moment / displacement). This gives rise to a curve that will be cut with the curve of the GZ at a point, equilibrium point.
  3. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    MAxsurf cant do it. So far only NAPA can do.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  5. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    yes, PIAS can do.

    GHS may be. but modeling is complex.

  6. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

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