GM Marine engines

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by Silver Fox, May 23, 2011.

  1. Silver Fox
    Joined: May 2011
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    Silver Fox Junior Member

    Can any one help me to locate a Marine engine supplier (Inboard Ski Fully Marinized with trans.) who wholesales for export,other than PCM, Mercury, Indmar.?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Yes, VolvoPenta and Mercruiser. I don't think the price will be any better though. How many do you need?
  3. Silver Fox
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    Silver Fox Junior Member

    Gm Engines

    Thanx,know about them too,there is someone who puts together a Gm Marine engine similar to them all, but marketed as GM and well priced.
    Would look to buy 20-30 units at a time.
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  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Crusader and PCM/Seamaxx are the same company now. Only GM could market an engine as GM.
  6. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    but not for ski boats, several better suited
  7. Tahoerover
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    Tahoerover Junior Member

    Please share!

  8. Tahoerover
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    Tahoerover Junior Member

    What about Ilmor:
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