Glen l 16ft cabin cruiser?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Paul D, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. Paul D
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Paul D Junior Member

    Hello has anyone got any thoughts or opinions on how this glen l 16ft cabin cruiser design would handle sea fishing couple kms offshore ...stability in swells...punching through waves etc etc...just the pros and cons would be much appreciated....thanks.
  2. ben2go
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    ben2go Boat Builder Wanna Be

    I would ask these questions on the Glenn L board. It wouldn't be to bad at sea but anyone in the rear will catch spray when running in a chop. I'd like a little more freeboard and self-bailing cockpit for anything in the open sea.
  3. Paul D
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    Paul D Junior Member

    Thanks Ben...yea I've inquired about it on their site no response yet....I've got other designs I'm thinking about now there's a lot to chose from...cheers mate
  4. ben2go
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    ben2go Boat Builder Wanna Be

    You're welcome.
  5. tom28571
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    tom28571 Senior Member


    You are in luck asking for information on the Glen L Cabin Skiff. Ray Macke built a slightly extended Cabin Skiff and cruised it extensively over many thousands of miles a few years ago. He produced a very detailed website describing both the build and his cruises with it. We corresponded several times while he was building his boat and I think it is a great choice for a minimal cruiser that has good performance.
    My Cabin Skiff
    ben2go likes this.

  6. ben2go
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    ben2go Boat Builder Wanna Be

    I remember following his blog build. He did an excellent job on her fit and finish.
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