glastron gt-150

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by amorris, Dec 19, 2001.

  1. amorris
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    amorris New Member

    i am looking for the glastron gt-150 boat mold. the gt-150 was produced by glastron between 1972-1980. the molds were then acquired by sunray of canada and they used the molds to produce the ss-150. any help is appreciated.
    thank you
    a morris
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Try silverline in Winnipeg MB, they use to be Vanguard and made dozens of those boats

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sunray molds

    Have you been successful finding the Sunray molds?

  4. Trevor Hand

    Trevor Hand Guest

    Sun Ray Boat molds

    With regard to the sunray boat molds. I own a sunray boat but it says on the information plate that it is a 480 ss. I had no idea that glastron sold the mold to sunray canada. I have been trying to figure out why it said sunray on the back plate. I have looking on the internet for pics of boats like mine and all that would come up is a glastron GT 150. Thanks for that info.
  5. Trevor Hand

    Trevor Hand Guest

    If you have any more information please let me know I am restoring my SunRay 480 ss. Thanks
  6. Trevor Hand

    Trevor Hand Guest

    Glastron GT 150 mold

    I think I may have tracked down the Glastron GT 150 mold check out a site called its very simular in styling. The mold may be here in Ontario.
  7. Lenny
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    Lenny Junior Member

    If you ever "stumble across" the molds for the Glastron/Molinari 17 footer you will have a goldmine. Angelino Molinari was untouchable in Europe in these hulls and he teamed up with Bob Hammond and brought this proven design to the USA in the early sixties. From there, we saw Don Aronow also offer up a rendering very similar to Glastrons while he was at the helm of Magnum Marine.

    ...and in the words of Don Aronows son (Michael) we have this
    A quote from Allan Brown (Brownie)
    A reply from Michael Aronow

    A reply below from a fella that glassed them all.

    A Morris, I realize this doesn't answer your GT-150 questions but these boats are related. :D
  8. braden
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    braden New Member

    i have one

    i dont know what a mold is but i do have a Gt-150 glastron carlson completely restored im about to get rid of it so if you are interestend my email is or .edu try both
  9. jeabro
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    jeabro New Member

    AMorris, you are right about the GT-150 molds.

    Sunray Boats of Canada that was located in Plessisville, Quebec (Canada) bought the Glastron GT-150 molds around 1980 timeframe to build replica of the GT-150.
    I own a SS-480 1981 which I think was the first year of these copies. I know that they made them at least up to 1987 or 1988. They earlier boats were named SS-480 (could be 480 SS on the name plate) and the later models (exact same) were named SS-150. My guess is that 480 represents the lenght of the boat in centimeters.

    Unfortunaly, Sunray Boats went out of business in the early '90s. I have no clue what happen to these molds. The Sunray SS were very popular in the province of Quebec (canada) where we can still find many riding around.

    If someone find out if a manufacturer is still making copies of the GT-150, let me know.
  10. Micheal
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    Micheal New Member

    I have a ss480 registered for 1978,
  11. sandy
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    sandy Junior Member

    I'm new to this forum and have a soft spot for this style of boat. I currently own a 1984 Sunray SS480 and can see the likeness to the Glastron GT150
    but to say these two boats came from the same mold, in my opinion is inaccurate. Sunray made the same boat with very few minor changes as a SS150 in the mid to late 70's (pre-metric). To see the Glastron and the Sunray side by side the difference is evident.
  12. Mr Clows
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    Mr Clows New Member


    i am looking for some way to get some informayion about a boat i just received. i am hoping someone here has heard for it. it is a catermeran style side center console, made by angelino molinari. does anyone know where to get some info on this boat?
    thank you

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  13. sandy
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    sandy Junior Member

    If you ever happen to see a VANGARD BANSHEE I think you will find that is where the Glastron GT 150 moulds went.
  14. Tracstar
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    Tracstar New Member

    GT-150 molds

    Hi guys, Just reading your posts concerning what happen to the GT-150 molds by Glastron. SunRay of Canada did have them for a while, then a Canadian company by the name of Tempest Boats started producing them in the late 80s. They sold as a SS-165 . A guy that lives not too far from me, owns a SunRay SS-480. I own a Tempest SS-165, and I can tell you, they are a great boat!!! I bought a new 2003 Yamaha 75hp two stroke and run a 13x19 prop. 48mph :cool: I have seen other boats on the internet that resemble the GT-150, but am not sure if they came from the GT-150 mold. Tracstar

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  15. cungifts
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    cungifts New Member

    i´m owner gt 150 GLASTRON, i´m interested in to change of boat so if are, this is my address
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