Glacier Yachts is launching GY68 in 2023

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by captain_vadimo, Apr 20, 2023.


Have you ever heard about Glacier Yachts?

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  1. captain_vadimo
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    captain_vadimo New Member

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  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    The reverse bows and aft sheer sure make the boat look pudgy in this view.

    The helm station looks like a military ship which is really cool.

    The top view picture is much nicer to lead; fyi.

    Says fuel tanks are 1585 gal, tops speed is 30 kts. So, this is a semi or planing hull.

    Can she make Hawaii from US mainland? Range at displacement speeds is not listed.
  3. captain_vadimo
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    captain_vadimo New Member

    Thank you very much for your feedback.
    The hull is planing. We sold the first boat last week. The first one will be equipped with WaterJets instead of IPSs. Top speed with WJ 40+ knots.

    GY is manufactured in Europe and can be shipped to Hawaii as well.

    Normally range and other project-specific parameters are shared with customers and not with the public ;)

  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    This is an interactive forum and not just an ad spot. Users here ask questions like expected range of vessel and intended use, hull materials, etc.

    You don't have to answer, but you also don't need to offend.;)
  5. captain_vadimo
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    captain_vadimo New Member

    I'm very sorry if someone has been offended just by entering a normal conversation which, of course, includes some business ethics. Therefore, please accept my apologies.

    Honestly, never expected to receive a complaint like this in the first place. Although, following "the law of universe" that says "it's impossible to make everyone happy", there will always be a parties that will be offended just because they want to.

    In the meantime, the boat is yet being designed and engineered. More information will follow accordingly.

    I will keep everyone posted.


  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

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